Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day of Appts: Consult

Yesterday I had all my appointments for surgery/consult.

Started off with an X-ray followed by an Ultrasound.  Was done with those by the time my actual appointment was to have started (8:15).

Headed off to the lab.  Small hiccup there as they could not find any orders for me.  Sat around waiting for about 15 minutes until they located it.  Once they took my blood, I had to waste time until 10 when my next appointment was scheduled.

Arrived a bit early and was given the psychological test. The computers were down so I had to take it my hand & a #2 pencil.   

My appointment with the psychologist was at 11.  I really liked her.   She was my first hurdle.    After speaking with her for awhile, she stated barring anything drastic from the test I took, she was signing off on my having surgery.    Yay!   She thinks I have a very good handle on what is going to happen and what I'll have to deal with. Her only suggestion was to go back to seeing my counselor to prepare for my mourning of food loss. Especially with my history, she would feel better knowing I was speaking with someone about what I will be going through.   

Finally a bit after 12, I get to go to lunch.   It was a bit of a challenge to determine where to eat especially since I was going for Bariatric consult.   What can i eat that doesn't make me feel guilty?

Returned at 1:45 for my Weight Management appointment. There I had an EKG.   No issues there. I had an exam and we talked about some of my issues. Two things that were brought to light was: 1) the redness in my shins-that I've had for awhile now is because of my weight. The blood is pooling having some issues flowing back up.     Something that should disappear after surgery.     2) The beginning stages of fatty tissue on my liver. Another thing that people with weight problems tend to have.       He had no issue signing off on my surgery.    When I was weighed, I was down from my last Dr visit in July.  SO we do see signs of progress.

Next my visit with the Surgeon. Nice guy.   He said he would have suggested the bypass as it's best for my issues.   He relies on all the other that I see so he said I wouldn't see him again to the pre-op.     

Finally my appointment with the Nutritionist.   We discussed my current eating habits. We discussed my past habits and what will come to pass once I have surgery.   Per my insurance requirements I am to have 3 months physician monitored weight loss.   My goal for Oct 25 is 24 lbs.    

We also discussed what would be my likely goal after surgery. It's doable and better than my personal goal.   

So as of this moment:   I am now on a Physician monitored diet and must work on losing 24 lbs by Oct 25.  She did say if I didn't hit the 24 lbs, as long as I was showing progress, she would still sign off on it.   

The other point of the diet is to get me in the habit of eating closer to what I will eat like after surgery.  Getting me in the habit now will help ensure that I have a successful outcome to the surgery.   

We went shopping for the stuff I need and are using today to finish up the items that are mine in the fridge & Pantry  (bagels & pop tarts).  

Fingers crossed that I can do this!

1 comment:

  1. Elbee,

    This sounds like an extremely productive visit. I do agree with the shrink to go to counseling... you have had some great losses in your life and although I wouldn't have looked at "food" as a loss I think it is a very valid way it was put... it will be a loss for you.

    I also am glad that you will get signed off on all parts by all doctors. I also think that some of the physical issues will be "explained" and subside post surgery.

    The most interesting thing to me was the pre-diet. I think it is great that they are having you do a diet to put you in a frame of mind of how your future meals will look and taste. It is a change and as a person who made my own personal change (thank God before it got to be too out of control) it can be the toughest thing to do - is give up the things you desire and love in exchange for less food and maybe less desirable foods.

    Great job... you are on your way!
