Sunday, January 22, 2017


Still sick.  The crap is just sitting in my chest.    I know I need to see a doc.

I'm walking to raise money to support those with Epilepsy...
Please consider donating.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Forgot the awesome title I thought up a few hours ago...

Quick update that I have nothing to update.

I haven't worked out in ages.  I can also see it -that I haven't worked out in ages.

I caught a nasty cold just before Christmas. Just as that ran it's course and I started to feel better, life thought I didn't suffer enough and therefore turned it around and into a nasty sinus infection.

That is where I stand today. Suffering from a sinus infection that feels worse than the cold ever did.
I have lived off of hot chocolate and large pops the past week.   The heat in the hot chocolate warms my chests and make it feel better for a time. The large pops help loosen up crap and I actually have productive crap.

In between I struggle to breathe and the coughs have made my chest and stomach muscles ache.

SO yeah- I'm not working out. I'm not dieting because I'm not eating too much as it is.
The only thing that keeps me moving at all is a tiny little strawberry blonde puppy that I'm chasing throughout the house.  

so, thanks for checking in but nothing to report as I am just trying to get through this before I even consider doing anything  (that and every little movement sets me off into a coughing fit where I'm gasping to breathe).

Check back in a week and hopefully I'll be better and doing something.