My Biggest Loser Kick Off Speech

The actual speech given was slightly different as I tend to go off script at times.  This however is the meat of the speech.

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.


According to the Cleveland Clinic Bariatric institute:

Obesity has become the #1 public health problem in our country today -- more than half of Americans are overweight and roughly 12 million Americans have severe obesity (defined as being 100 lbs. or more overweight). Ohio currently ranks 13th among the states for this condition.


Morbid obesity is a serious health condition that can interfere with basic physical functions such as breathing or walking. An individual is considered morbidly obese if they are 100 pounds over the normal ideal body weight, have a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions,


Morbidly obese are at greater risk for illnesses including:


Obesity is a major cause of premature death and many other medical conditions,


Type 2 diabetes.

High blood pressure/heart disease/hypertension

Osteoarthritis of weight-bearing joints.

Sleep apnea/respiratory problems..

Gastroesophageal reflux disease and heartburn




Urinary stress incontinence.



Once upon a time, I use to look at obese people and think “How could they let themselves get that big?”

 “I will never allow myself to get like that”


In 2010-due to severe stress going on in my life, I slowly started to not feel so well. This went on until one day severe exhaustion, the constant overall aching & pain became my new normal.   I went through tests and meds and I was seeing a rheumatologist and PCP every 6 weeks.


Where I once parked at muni lot (doing the Muni Walk), walking during breaks, walking my dogs around the neighborhood, I now parked at Willard, hardly moved from my desk, never walked my dogs. I’d come home crash on the couch and not want to move.  The THOUGHT of going to kitchen to prep dinner or clean the house exhausted me. Would be in bed nlt 7:30 some nights. Toss and turn couldn’t sleep. Was falling asleep behind the wheel and at my desk. I went from having a normal life to a very sedentary life.    

Slowly but surely began gaining weight. By the time we found the right combo of meds to keep my symptoms under control, I had gained enough weight to make walking very painful. Excessive weight exacerbated a back injury I incurred in 2 2007 car accidents.  Walking was becoming excruciating.  A bad knee became much worse.  While I had the will, the body wasn’t giving me a way.

 Additionally I had also been diagnosed with severe carpal tunnel (which is also linked to obesity) which led to release surgery, which leads to having weaker wrists and being careful about how much weight is put on them.


One year ago today I was morbidly obese and had almost every one of those symptoms mentioned earlier.

Walking or standing more than 5-10 minutes would have me crying and nearly throwing up from severe pain.  My knee was shot. I was limping and receiving cortisone shots and told by the doc I had accelerated degeneration of my knee thanks to my weight and I’m too young to have replacement surgery. I was using a cane on occasions. Prone to depression, I was severely depressed. I no longer felt like I was a functioning member of society. My activities were limited to my physical limitations. Additionally, my family moved out of state and flying on a plane was becoming a normal occurrence and something I despised. Standing in airport security lines and walking to my gat, no longer fitting into the seat, requiring an extender seat belt—all this made me HATE flying.  Do you understand how embarrassing it is to have to ask the person you’re next to if you could keep the arm up between the two of you?

I couldn’t put socks on. Funky positions to do that. I couldn’t lift myself from seated position ESPECIALLY if I was on the floor, due to my wrists.  I couldn’t walk or stand without pain.  I was beginning to worry we’d have to sell our new home because I’d have issues with stairs. I was winded climbing them.


My PCP suggested I look into bariatric surgery as I didn’t have many choices.

Tons of research and dread and resolve.


Aug 16: changed my life.

All the tests to have the surgery. Last hurdle, Insurance requirement. I was to do 3 months of physician monitored dieting and I had to lose 24lbs.  

24 lbs.? I was so sure I couldn’t do it.    Dietitian gave me outline and told me to walk 10K steps a day.



I’m not a quitter, I was going to do this.


Oct 25, 2013—Weigh in.  I lost 44lbs.  I realized I could do it. I got the last approval and I said HOLD ON.  If I did THIS, why can’t I do more?

End of 2013, lost 52 lbs. Down 2 sizes and was not physically active. Went from not walking to doing 3 mile hikes with my husband and dog.


Knee. Cane.  Loss of focus.  By April gained 15lbs back.  Not going back.

At this time I worked with my BMI doc, PCP, & Dietitian to come up with a plan and throw in the biggest loser season 9. 


I did the physical fitness test and ‘reinjured’ myself.  Thought I would have to drop out.  I don’t have the normal body to do this.  Sat with team captain and Frankie to come up with alternatives for my situation. Did not want to do more harm than good.    While I couldn’t necessarily work out with the team, I had my alternatives and I did them.  


One year ago I was 3.5 sizes bigger, had a BMI of 53.3, and could barely move.

Today I’m on the cusp of dropping below 40.


Between the BL & my work with my nutritionist and doctors, I was runner up with 38lbs and 9%of my weight lost.  Remember, this is with limitation.  I STILL have a lot of work ahead of me, but I’m willing to do that. If you don’t have physical limitation, you have no excuse.  If you do have any physical limitations, do not let that stop you.  Work with the captain, Frankie & Jason.  There are alternatives to a lot of what they want us to do.  I can’t participate in a lot of the “challenges” due to these issues but I am there to cheer my team on. I am at home working my butt off to make up for it with the activities I can do.

I walked in my first 5K in June and will be part of the Foxtrot walking the 5K portion.  A year ago this was impossible.


You get out of this what you put in.  If you barely try, you will not see results and you are cheating yourself out of a fantastic opportunity to become healthier. You have these teammates and captain to support you. They will. You owe it yourself to try.  Don’t give up.


If you want to talk to me more about what I’ve done to get to this point, feel free.


I am doing everything I can not to go back there.  I belong to a ‘support group’ of friends who are all fighting this battle to become healthier.  I tell as many people who are interested about what I’m doing. I write a blog chronicling everything from when I first was going to have my bariatric consult to today. I joined this program. I want to have as many people know so I have someone besides myself to know



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