Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Wow. Wow. Wow.

Dad Boot
I knew it'd been awhile to blog--but hadn't realized just how long it'd been.

I really can't recall last year much. I know I had pretty bad knee issues and had several injections. 

  We did head to Hocking Hills again last August/September.  We did 2 new trails an one of them was a very difficult trail. It was excruciating and brutal. Some due to my knees and back and others because it really was a difficult trail to traverse.

We did bring the 2 little ones with us and it was a great trip for them. They handled all the trails with ease.  Pear Bear had his own backpack to carry their water.
Stylin in the boot

The biggest hurdle for me has been my foot.  Back in the middle of December I noticed my left foot was swelling and aching.   I went for x-rays and they told me to follow up with Ortho that set me up with a  Podiatrist. 
Jan 2 I was placed in an air cast/walking boot.   I had a stress fracture on the 5th metatarsal bone of my left foot.   

8 weeks in the boot and a few days out of it. One step and I was back in.   Once that "healed" I still couldn't walk without pain.   Turns out the whole reason my foot fractured is the same reason it will not heal properly.    Curved bones and a high arch.

Surgical Dressing
May 22 I had surgery to insert a screw.  I'm in a non-weight bearing cast and have to use a walker to get around.   IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only real pain I've felt from surgery was immediately after and the day of the surgery. I've not really had any pain (besides some generalized aching) from the site.

My Nurse
I'm set to get the cast off and stitches out on Thursday.   From everything I've read, I'm going to end up back in a boot.   I can handle that.

I just want to be able to take a shower, swim, clean the house, and walk.  I've been home bound since a week before surgery and it is no fun.   I'm working from home but it really is not as fun as it sounds.   I miss seeing my co-workers (most).  I miss human interaction.   I love my dogs but they are driving me insane.      

SO the only downside has been due to the uneven gait I have, my right knee--once my good knee--is messed up.   As soon as I"m back in the boot, I'm making an appointment with my ortho to get a shot.  I need something for the pain and stiffness.

A Week post surgery--still swollen
So yeah 6 months of being physically limited.....not fun.   

And walking with a walker....hard work.   It is an event to get dressed. It is an event to "walk" distances with that dang walker....    so     APPRECIATE YOUR MOBILITY.

I've had a "command" center in my living room the whole time.   This allows me to work from home and be able to take the pups out without having to trek the stairs.   That's just too much some days. 

It really is a work out for me to walk with the walker.  This weekend we attended an annual event for us and I got to walk around in the hot sun and on the hot ground hobbling along with the walker.  It wore me out.    I slept like a rock!!!

My Paw Print Cast & boot
I did get a cool cast though.  They handed me a key ring of colors and patterns.  One look at the one I chose and I didn't look any further.  EVERYONE who sees it loves it and says "THAT IS SOOOO YOU!"   of course it it.    

My hope is once out of the cast and in the boot, I'm more mobile and can get some walking in. I need to build up my endurance since I've pretty much stopped walking back in December when the pain and swelling began.

Maybe I'll keep you posted.   I also have some other stuff to talk about , but I'll leave that for another post.    
My "Wheels"

So yeah...fun stuff..