Sunday, January 27, 2019

Happy New Year

Is anyone still reading or checking up on this?

Happy 2019.    

I have no clue if this will be a happy year or not, but we'll try.    

2018 was a semi-cruddy year with my foot and all.   I closed it out with a cold that turned to bronchitis and the cough that would not go away.   I think it's safe to say that I finally got over the cough last week.     Caught the cold from Hubby right after Thanksgiving.   I hadn't been sick with a cold in almost 2 years when I got it--so it SUCKED.

On a positive note.....I've S L O W L Y been losing the weight that I had gained while being incapacitated last year.   So far that's 15ish lbs.  How am I doing it?  No clue.  Well, I'm not consciously doing so.   I've noticed my appetite has changed.  I am eating a lot less than I used to. 
Additionally, we started doing Hello Fresh.   So our dinners are home cooked and healthy.

On a different note, this bitter cold is awful.  I cannot begin to tell you how miserable I've been since it started.   My fibro-- it's horrible. I'm horribly achy all over.  It hurts just sitting in place.  ON top of that, my arthritis in my knees is off the charts.     The past 5 days have been miserable.   Standing up, walking steps, and plain just existing is PAINFUL.

Those with Fibro /arthritis, how are you feeling?

Emotionally , just not in a social mood.  Was not in the mood for the holidays...and then dealing with the reality of aging parents /parents in hospice ....  Not the best companion.

SO there you have it. Positive-weight loss. Better eating.   Negative---I'm falling apart