Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Left Diagnostic 2-Medial Branch Block

 Had my 2nd Facete Joint Nerve block of the left side a few hours ago.   

We're ramping up to have the RFA on the left side.  

Those unaware, for years I have had limited mobility due to debilitating pain.  I was unable to stand or walk for more than a few minutes before the debilitating pain would begin. I would would not be able to stand without sitting or leaning against something to help alleviate pain.

When the pandemic hit & I began working from home, this made matters even worse. I was not walking to and from my car to the building, I was not going out often and sitting at my desk I would not leave it or move around as often as I might at work.

Weight gain was minimal, but I was unable to lose much because of my lack of movement. I already had pain associated with the Fibromyalgia, but adding the back pain made matters worse.

Living with chronic pain - describing it to anyone who has not had debilitating or severe chronic pain --they will never understand.  It takes over your whole being.   I was miserable and depressed and so exhausted of wanting to do things, but not having the physical capacity to do it. 

You feel judged.  When you tell people you can't join them on a walk or you need to sit when you've been standing in a line for only a few minutes.  Real or imagined, it weighs on you.   Do they think I am lying? Do they think I am lazy? Do they think I am fat because I want to be? The list goes on.  You internalize and the guilt and depression just build.

When I finally pushed and pushed to get to the point where I met my Pain Management doctor who told me I was a possible candidate for procedure that could reduce or eliminate my pain...I held out cautious hope.

Insurance requires 2 Lumbar Facet Joint Block diagnostic procedures to determine if an RFA would work.    

For the Lumbar Facet Joint Block, the doctor, using local anesthetic, injects a temporary nerve block into the joints.   The injection lasts up to 8 hours.    

As a patient, you keep a diary of your pain and are told to "go out and get busy". You are supposed to do what you can and would do that would normally elicit pain.

They follow up and you report your pain levels and % of pain reduction. If the procedures work, you are then scheduled to have the RFA.   

The RFA is a procedure to heat the medial nerve by damaging it to stop or greatly reduce pain signals to the brain.  For some patients the pain goes away, for others there is a significant reduction.    Unfortunately, it is NOT permanent.  Further RFAs are needed as the nerve regenerates.

I had the right side done in August and it was life changing.  I am walking and standing and have more range of movement than I have had in YEARS!!!

I can tell the nerve is regenerating as I am having some pain creep.  However it is nowhere near the level it was before the procedure, so I have time. 

With all my walking, I found my left side acting up.  The left is NO WHERE near the pain of the right, but it still hurts.  

So my next step is a follow appointment with the doctor in the next 4 weeks and we will schedule the RFA for the left. Plus I would like to discuss the Right side for future follow up.

How much has my life changed?   Here's some news.... I'm down 40+ lbs since July.  I walk regularly and I walk my dogs.   I have NOT been able to walk my dogs in more than 5+ years.   

I want everyone to know about this wonderful life changing option and will post about it every chance I get.   
Sharing some videos that provide more details ...