Oct 24 2024
Since the 2022 updates....
RFA was a success. I walked & walked. Until I couldn't anymore.
RFA's that followed had less & less of an impact until they were a failure in early 2024.
Gained all the weight back. Ended up going to aqua therapy to build core muscles. I had to pause it because they were relining the pools or something. Have not been back yet.
Back still hurts. I "tolerate" pain a bit more than before, but I still get some incredible pain.
No matter what I did, losing weight was not happening.
I started a semaglutide at the end of July, very beginning of August.
It is no joke, particularly if your diabetic. The side effects are tough. There are days were I just want to say Screw this! I'm tired of feeling this way--but I'm down close to 30lbs. i'm keeping to my meal plan and rarely go over. Funny thing is I eat a lot of the same stuff I was having before. The only difference is I feel sick a lot because I either held off eating too long or the smell makes me sick.
My sensitivity to smells is a lot worse. I've gagged way too many times.
Some of my other issues are "being taken care of" by the meds/my diet (ankle & foot swelling, blood pressure, my glucose) and others are flaring up (my fibro has been flaring, I have problems with nerve pain at night, being super thirsty, & sudden blood sugar drops).
Only 1 person said anything & they were unaware so that made me happy. My clothes are either baggy or fit comfortably. Depends on the fit/size.
I have such a long way to go so this will be a long journey. I'm just glad I have that push needed to get the scale #s moving. It was stalled for so long & then one day it moved.
I want to return to the pool, but the Kaos Krew--my dogs seriously make leaving this house without them an impossible task. I hope to go this weekend to start back up. Hopefully move the #'s a little quicker.