Sunday, December 4, 2016

Check In.


So for Christmas the Hub got me a Fitbit Blaze.   It's pretty awesome.   It not only tracks my steps it tracks my heart rate, exercises (Workout, Walk, Hiking, Yoga, Weights -the ones I've chosen), my sleep and allows me to read my texts when they come in.

I've used it for several of my workouts so far.   I love how it times them so I don't have to keep guessing how long I've been at it.   It is definitely going to help me out in the long run.

Today we took the pups for an early Sunday morning walk in the park.   We're going to try doing this more often, but that is totally dependent on ice and snow..

I think I lost 1 lb   nothing drastic.   However I am having to say goodbye to one pear of yoga pants. They keep sliding off my hips and make it very distracting to do anything other than stopping my pants from falling off.

Rich is doing well on his diet.   We just need to get in a little more workout for him.   I keep trying.

While searching around on my BeachBody on Demand I found a yoga workout for lower back pain.  While I don't have the pain I once did, I still checked it out.   It's a great workout -10 mins- that really helps loosen me up.   I think this is going to be my Monday morning get up and get going thing from now on.

I'm sorry I don't have much else to talk about. Truthfully after our walk this morning I just lounged around doing NOTHING.   It's rare that I can do that so I took the chance while I could.

Have a good week!!

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