Thursday, April 6, 2017

so here's the thing...

Back at Christmas I was pretty sick.  Bad cold that turned into a sinus infection.  During this time, one of the things that seemed to help with the coughing was fountain pop. Specifically Cherry Coke or Coke when cherry wasn't available.

I was sick for over a month and began to drink a large coke 1 - 2 times a day.  After getting better, I continued to drink a large cherry coke at work a day (sometimes twice).   I loved it and enjoyed every minute of it.   That is until my weight started creeping up.

I knew why it was and I just couldn't stop. I was addicted to my daily Cherry coke fix.  I craved it. I had to have it. Plus, this was how i got my caffeine to stay awake.  I don't drink coffee, so I had to get it some other way.

Sigh.... I'm here to say "My name is Laurie and I'm a fountain pop addict. It's been 7 days since my last fix and I'm jonesin for some."

Seriously people this is hard.  I never was like this before. I could easily quit pop, but then again I was never drinking it like I was.  It's hard stuff and I need to find another way to get some energy in the mornings to get me going.   Too bad coffee tastes

The hub and I finally got on the same page and are back to eating healthier/on our diet plan.
We're only 4 days in , but that is a big step considering how we were eating for awhile (especially when our kitchen was in disarray).

My knee still kills and I still need to get another injection scheduled.   My body still aches from the Fibro and all my mishaps.  I've recently had my meds adjusted and I'm feeling a little better.

SO...... no progress reports, but baby steps...

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