Friday, September 16, 2022

Sept 16

 Anyone still reading?

So...RFA worked.   My pain has decreased to nearly non-existent.  I have gone on several walks since and am doing well.

Still eating well...better.    Had an appointment with my rheumatologist today. My first "official clinic" visit since all this started. My official medical record weight loss is currently 29# down. 

Some items are looser than others. But overall, I'm more comfortable in my clothes. 

Other things of note:  the swelling of my left ankle has disappeared. This is something that has been going on for YEARS!    MANY MANY YEARS.   It was especially evident when working from home & i was not wearing shoes.     

I've been wearing compression socks to help ward off some of the swelling for a few years now.    
I've had no swelling in a very long while.  My flare ups from FM are gone.  I only have issues with dealing with high temps & humidity. rain (weather changes), & just joint pain in my knees.

When I sleep, I sleep deeper. I sleep in on the weekends...

When i did the walk with R yesterday, we took 2 of the dogs. I actually walked Peryn for a majority of the walk. Do you know how long it's been since I've been able to hold a leash when walking?   
I'm debating about taking both boys for a walk when i get off work in a bit.  Thing is, V won't walk long--it's not his nature.   So do I risk it...try?  Maybe do a short walk around the neighborhood?
 i'll let you know.....

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