Friday, November 18, 2022

Facet Nerve Block

 This morning I had the first of my Facet Nerve Blocks on the left side (1 of 2 diagnostic procedures). 

There was a Fellow assisting the doc who did my block.  I don't know if it's because it's a different side or if it's because he was not as skilled as Dr Girgis...but my god. 

Earlier, I was walking around with no issues. Hubby said it looked like I was doing pretty good movement wise. 

However, the injection side HURTS.   Now, 6 hours later my lower back is irritating me.  I am so sore.  The site still hurts and the nerve block seems to have worn off.  I feel like it's swollen down on my lower back.     

I'm going to take some pain meds in a bit, since I can't use my pain cream.   It did NOT hurt like this at all when i had the first 2 facet nerve blocks.   UGH.  I go through this again in a month.

Just needed to vent......

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