Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Happy Sunday.
I hope you're doing well.   Me, just really really angry and no place to take the anger out.  I know I shouldn't let idiots and hateful people get to me, but it's more because these people are hurting those around me.  I have two in my life that are so selfish and hateful and unhappy people that I ache for those who are suffering because of them..

Enough of that....I just had to let you know my mind set before I continued.

I've been a failure.   It's all on me.   I know this.   I blame the weather & it is a portion of reason I'm failing.  

My dietician tells me I'm not a failure and to ease up on myself. I saw her Friday and she and I had a good talk. 
We discussed if I was still trying to avoid surgery or if I was going to change my mind.   I'm not. I am really trying to avoid that. If come August , one year after my initial appointments and no more progress, maybe I will.

She pointed out I'm still down, so not all is lost.   We're hoping with the change in the weather that HAS TO happen soon, that I'll get back on track.

Some progress. I did 2 things this week that were positive.  First was Sarah & I headed to the rec center and I walked the track in lieu of walking outside.     Second, I attended my very first Aqua Zumba.  Yeah, that was hell.  Yeah, I hurt like you wouldn't believe. Yeah, I'll do it again. 

Today was a decent day. 40's, Sunny, and Duchess and I went on a nice walk of the neighborhood.   So, I didn't sit on my behind all day. I'm doing that now.  I have a bunch of things to do here at the desk before I can relax for the night: Finish laundry, plan my spring 'gardening', have a to do check list for an upcoming trip (the wedding I may have mentioned).

We're also trying to adopt a new pup.   We'll keep you posted on that. 

TOday, meal wise I'm a bit over calorie wise but I was active. I didn't wear my fit bit (sorry), but I did keep busy.     

I really need a vacation from EVERYTHING.   I'm always doing something.

Really, I do hope to be blogging more once the weather improves and I'm out walking again. I hope to tell you more about the torture of aqua zumba.   ....

Have a great evening..........Elbee

Friday, March 21, 2014

It's been awhile........

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. 

I know I’ve been lax.   I have all sorts of excuses.  First, I have a lot of trouble blogging from work; the browser we use is older and doesn’t allow for me to properly enter info.  I found a way around that, but it does require me to open Word, create a HTML page, type up the doc, save, and then open in notepad to copy the HTML and paste it into the blog site.    That is what I’m doing now.

Second, I hate hate hate blogging using my phone or tablet. Most of the time I remember to blog while I’m on one of those and will not use them to blog.  The whole autocorrect and weird formatting irritates me to no end. Maybe I should get a blue tooth keyboard?

Third, I suck.

After that awesome initial 6lbs lost, I gained it right back.  Snap of the fingers and the weight was back on.   Don’t know what happened and have been trying my darnedest.  I’ve been staying within my calorie goal or at least going over by 200-300 calories.  Considering I’ve made my calorie limit well under what I can intake, this should not be an issue.    I’ve done several days of 45+ minutes on the bike.  The only thing laxing is my walking.

I started a new rotation at work about 3 weeks ago.  Because of meetings and or training, I have not been able to walk the halls. Throw in some cold days, no walking at home.  

See I have a lot of excuses….. Got on the scale this morning and am back down 1.6 lbs. 

I have a wedding coming up and I originally was so excited when I was losing weight. I figured at the rate I was going, I’d have been down at least 80 lbs by now.  Long way off wouldn’t you say?   I desperately need this weather to warm up.  I need my walks & hikes and all that other activity that helped me initially.  

Onto food. 
I’ve mentioned before, I believe, two of my favorite things to eat. 

First the Good Greens bars.  Still love them.   Since switching to them and not taking the other protein bars, my stomach distress has practically disappeared.   I’m way to sensitive to sugar alcohols.     I have about 2 a day.  Usually a Banana Nut and a yogurt for breakfast and I have a stash in my car to snack on one during my drive home.   My favorite is actually the Chocolate Mint.  I could eat those all day if someone let me or if I had no will power.   

Yogurt.  I don’t remember if I spoke about it here or on FB, but I am in LOVE with Dannon’s Light & Fit Greek Yogurt; The extra protein versions.  It will either say 2X the protein or just indicate 80 calories and 12g of protein.    Either packaging, it’s the same yogurt.   Really, if you’re up for it, buy yourself one of each (the regular 80 calorie version with 5 or so grams of protein and one with the 10-12g of protein) and you’ll see and taste the difference.   The extra protein version usually is thicker and has more taste in my opinion.  My favorite is the Strawberry Cheesecake, but that is extremely difficult to find.  You find one, tell me where.   This has definitely helped a bit with my morning cravings.

Something else that is also good news, I haven’t gone up a size.  Recently I tried on a bunch of dresses to wear to the upcoming wedding I mentioned above.  I’m still in the lower size.   I even bought a new pair of work pants. It’s nice to have a comfortable pair that isn’t very baggy. Most of my work pants are as I really cannot afford to buy many in the lower sizes.

I am trying though.   Desperately trying.  If we could afford an elliptical or treadmill, believe me I’d be on that daily.  It is what it is though.