Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Happy Sunday.
I hope you're doing well.   Me, just really really angry and no place to take the anger out.  I know I shouldn't let idiots and hateful people get to me, but it's more because these people are hurting those around me.  I have two in my life that are so selfish and hateful and unhappy people that I ache for those who are suffering because of them..

Enough of that....I just had to let you know my mind set before I continued.

I've been a failure.   It's all on me.   I know this.   I blame the weather & it is a portion of reason I'm failing.  

My dietician tells me I'm not a failure and to ease up on myself. I saw her Friday and she and I had a good talk. 
We discussed if I was still trying to avoid surgery or if I was going to change my mind.   I'm not. I am really trying to avoid that. If come August , one year after my initial appointments and no more progress, maybe I will.

She pointed out I'm still down, so not all is lost.   We're hoping with the change in the weather that HAS TO happen soon, that I'll get back on track.

Some progress. I did 2 things this week that were positive.  First was Sarah & I headed to the rec center and I walked the track in lieu of walking outside.     Second, I attended my very first Aqua Zumba.  Yeah, that was hell.  Yeah, I hurt like you wouldn't believe. Yeah, I'll do it again. 

Today was a decent day. 40's, Sunny, and Duchess and I went on a nice walk of the neighborhood.   So, I didn't sit on my behind all day. I'm doing that now.  I have a bunch of things to do here at the desk before I can relax for the night: Finish laundry, plan my spring 'gardening', have a to do check list for an upcoming trip (the wedding I may have mentioned).

We're also trying to adopt a new pup.   We'll keep you posted on that. 

TOday, meal wise I'm a bit over calorie wise but I was active. I didn't wear my fit bit (sorry), but I did keep busy.     

I really need a vacation from EVERYTHING.   I'm always doing something.

Really, I do hope to be blogging more once the weather improves and I'm out walking again. I hope to tell you more about the torture of aqua zumba.   ....

Have a great evening..........Elbee

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