Sunday, November 9, 2014


Alright, Yes I know. I haven't been actively blogging. Soo many excuses....reasons. Some legitimate: I won't blog using a mobile device.   Some not so legitimate: I'm busy?  IE: Lazy

You can also probably ready between the lines as well. I've been HORRIBLE.

So many arguments and reasons: I legitimately have had some physical issues I've been dealing with due to diet/med/weather changes.  I'm in pain daily. While it's nothing like it once was, it's still there.

I sit here typing feeling pain in my shoulders, back, hands, feet.......motivation is hard to come by, but I am fighting.

I have not stepped on a scale. I'm petrified to do so.  I must not be too bad because last week I heard from...I lost count, but I did hear from many different people who complimented me on how good I looked.  Wondering how much more weight I have lost.   I was honest and said I gained, but they all said the same thing: You look good.

So I am going to take that to heart.  
My choices have sucked lately.  They have. I know that . I know it as I'm making them.   I am still fighting the fight.  

Stick with me......

On a sad note that will effect me emotionally, we're saying goodbye to our oldest pup in the next two days.   We've come to the decision that she has no life.  She's mostly blind, mostly deaf, can barely move, and all other senior dog issues, including dementia.  

She's been the hardest to deal with as she's been so stubborn. Her will is there but the body has failed her.   So I am going to have to dig in and be good through this.  

Don't give up on me, I'm here working to get back on track.......

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