Thursday, June 25, 2015


I don't know if anyone is still reading.    I wouldn't blame you.

So, here's the thing... or a few things.

First. I failed. My meet & greet was last week and I was no where close to what I wanted to be.   I hate the way I look.  I hate the way I feel.   

I've been fighting a lot of pain lately. I've had some fibro flair ups as well as arthritic pain. This weather and it's changes are beating me up.

Now why I haven't written.. I have no time.  

Long story short, a big project I work on at my job is causing MAJOR stress.   I've been putting in over time. My face has broken out due to the stress. I'm EXHAUSTED when I come home and coming home later does not help. Let's throw in that I returned to school.  

I'm forcing myself to write now. I just finished turning in my lab assignments for school as well as taking a test.  

I have 2 more days to work on the next chapter's reading, labs, and assessment quiz.   Ugh.  I'm really reconsidering my choice to take these classes.

I have not worked out in weeks because I have NO TIME.   Last weekend all I did was homework on Saturday and Sunday.  Did not enjoy the weekend at all.

I know this isn't good for my health.   Here's what my life looks like now....

4:15 AM  Wake Up
4:15-5:10  Get dressed, feed the dogs, get ready for work...and leave
5:10-600  Drive to work & get in the building.
0600-1530 Work and Overtime.    I barely get up to use the rest room since I'm so busy.
1530-1630  Leave building, go to car, travel home.

1630-1730 Dinner prep/eat/clean up

1730-1800 IF it's nice out and IF i'm not tired, walk the dogs.
1800-2030/2100  HOMEWORK.
2100-2130 Bedtime if I'm Lucky.
If I'm lucky, this gets me about 7 hours of sleep.  But let's be realistic...I've been heading to bed at 10-10:30...

Ugh.    I'm exhausted. My body hurts.  I'm stressed.   My week with my nephews was great, only because I was off work (I still had school).

I fear i'm going to make myself worse and my food intake is going to SUCK!

 I did go to the concert last week and it wasn't too bad physically. I did hurt the next morning , but I was able to enjoy it with minimal physical limitations.   And if you must know, we had a blast!

 I'm not going to promise any posting schedule at this time.   I won't know when I have a moment.

Rich & I are discussing how much this certificate will help me professionally and if it's worth it. 

Well, I have to get up and move around before I become fused to the seat.   Pray I get through my next chapter quickly enough to be able to enjoy the weekend.

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