Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Good evening.   

It's been close to a month since I've last written.  Quite a few things have happened.

First and foremost, I am no longer in school.  I had to really think about things and the stress was making me sick.   Since it was mostly for my own purpose, there was no need to stay in school while everything else suffered.

I still have a lot going on, but I'm not overwhelmed as I was.  That 's a big bonus.

A few of you were quite concerned with my last post.  I am very humbled and grateful that some people care enough and reached out to me.   There are 2 particular individuals who contacted me in one way or another and their concern touched me.  

Thank you to Dale for sending the book. I've been skimming through when I have the time. Some of the recipes look fantastic and I will let you know if I try any.   Thank you for reading and thank you for being a supporter and friend.  

Another thank you goes to Ms Lissette.  Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me. Even if I don't respond to them directly, I do read them and I do take them to heart.  I know you're always there encouraging me and I am happy to have you in my corner.  Love you!

With that out of the way, onto the other things.

The stress, weather  changes and other things have not helped. The weather changes have been painful on my joints, particularly my bad knees.  I've had more bad days than good ones.  My fibromyalgia has flared up.  I've been feeling as awful as I was before I was first diagnosed.  The complete exhaustion and ahiness has been horrible. I've been stiff and just overall miserable. 

I was fearing my life would return to how it was before the meds.  I have been going to bed quite early since dropping the class. Six o'clock early.   I have been falling asleep during the daytime and just in no mood to move.  

"Good News" is I had an appointment scheduled with my rheumatologist on Monday that I completely forgot about. I knew I had another appointment on that day and when I went to verify the time, I saw I had the appointment.  

We talked and I told her about it all.  In the end, we decided to adjust my meds a bit. I'm back up to the 90mg of one med to combat the pain and back up to 400mg of another.  My blood work came back with my inflammation markers up (surprise surprise).    

I've been on the new dosage now for 2.5 days.  I think it may be starting to work. I'm still up and although I'm tired from a long day, it's not like it's been.  My wrists, ankles, shins, feet, shoulders etc still hurt....but we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

I got my fitbit replaced (it died a few months back), so I'm back to tracking steps. I'm not even at 10K/day yet, but I'm working towards it. Let's hope the meds help.

It's only day 3 in, but I'm back to watching what I eat.   No particular diet.  Just watching what I eat.  No pop-just water. Fruits. Veggies. 
My plan right now is to concentrate on the eating right now. Depending on how well I do, I'll next focus on my exercise. I'm also hoping I start to feel better soon to help with that.

I'm just taking it a day at a time and hoping to get back on track.  

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