Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving Aftermath

Hey.  How was your Thanksgiving? Pretty decent here.

I'm sorry I haven't blogged as much, but the truth is ....I forgot.   I had so much going on that blogging was the last thing on my mind.   Horrible I know.

I had a follow up with my wonderful Doc today.  I had blood-work drawn to see how my new regiment was affecting my body.
First off I waited until last minute to do it because I know I haven't been the most loyal of dieter/workout individuals of the past few weeks.       I know my diet was going to throw my #'s off.

And it did....HOWEVER....  not exactly how I expected.  I looked at my results and saw some of my #s were high (Glucose & Bad Cholesterol) and my Good cholesterol was lower than it should be...

THAT BEING SAID.   Each of those numbers was either lower and higher -respectively- than it had been.  Which means I am going in the right direction.  The bad numbers are lower than they were last time I had blood-work drawn and the good number- although still not great-was better than it had been.

So YAY!!!
My weight has maintained and my blood pressure was lower.    Not all is lost.

Hub is still on his PSMF and lost 13lbs.   So we're going to work together to be better.

WE're back to the grindstone today and even if I don't blog as much in between, we're hoping to log positive results!

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