Saturday, November 12, 2016

No more status quo

Hi!!  Can you believe it's November already?  Yikes.... neither can I. I am SO NOT ready for the holidays!

Ok. Few things to cover here so let me get started.

I really need to buckle down.   I have 2 things coming up that I really want to be successful for.
The first being some blood work that I have to get done before my next appt at the end of the month.

The second. AIRPLANE. I got super cheap seats to visit my parents in December (round trip under $100).   I would like to have a comfortable trip, so I really need to work on those inches.

I'm proud that I've found a medium to maintain my weight--but now is not the time for that. I need to get back to losing.

And that will be possible again...especially since ......drum roll..

Long time readers may remember  PSMF. Click on that link if you need a reminder.

So, Hubby has seen a dietitian and they're starting him on PSMF to get a kick start on his weight  It's going to be tough on him.  I remember.  His saving grace is me. I will make his meals, so he has my support.  

I think I'm going to do a modified version. Stick with my 21 day fix of fresh foods and mix in the low carb/high protein of this diet.  This will allow me to stick to my healthy eating, be supportive to Hub and still have fruits.    

I'm going to be spending a lot of time the next two days figuring out a menu and such.    I really want him to succeed and this will help me get him on track too.    I need to discuss with him the beachbody on demand videos and maybe something will interest him.  

Fingers crossed....

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