Monday, July 2, 2018

Longer than intended

I meant to only have a few days in between posts, but it went longer than anticipated.
Quick update on my foot. . 

On the 14th I had my cast removed, x-rays taken, and the stitches removed.   Then they put on another cast.   BUMMER. 

What sucks even more was at 1 week, the new cast cracked at the ankle.  I had to go back and have that cast removed and another put on.    So i'm technically on my 3rd cast. 
Barring anything significant happening, I should have this one removed in a few days and move to an air cast/boot.   MOBILITY! SHOWERS!!! POOL!!!!!

And I'll be able to return to my office.  Socialization again!!    Healing thoughts!!!

Alright, the real reason I wanted to do a second post was something that happened. 

I was with a group of individuals in a shared medical appointment.   During one of the sessions, we each spoke to our  doc about how we're doing, feeling and all that.   This was in front of each other.

One person went and turns out they have Fibromyalgia like myself. Essentially what happened is this person shared with the class how they felt/feel and what they went through with after diagnosis and as someone living with it. 

This hit me hard.  Like I broke down because I'm going to tell you something: All these years I thought I was crazy and that I was exaggerating.  I really thought people must think I'm such a liar.   I have all these symptoms. All these feelings.   I feel like crap and up to that point, NO ONE else that says they have fibromyalgia has ever been anywhere close to what I feel.

I was wondering if there was something wrong with ME.  Like do I have a wrong diagnosis?  Is there something else that is wrong and no one is looking because we've settled on Fibro?  

YEARS of pain and suffering both physical and mental and listening to one person's tale hit me so hard.   I am NOT ALONE.

Listening to them was like reading anything I've previously wrote regarding my symptoms.   I am not alone and I'm not making it up.

They understood the initial exhaustion and pain.  They understood the feeling of walking through mud, the resistance to movement you feel on bad days.

They understood the pain, aches, and mental anguish that accompanies having this illness.   

AND  we ended up talking about medication.   For awhile now, I notice when I forgot to take my meds.   I prefer to take my medications with food to avoid stomach upset. Sometimes I don't eat at home and hold off taking the meds until I grab something.
At work, I get so wrapped up the meds sit in my pocket and before you know it--Lunchtime.

Usually around this time --after lunch is when I notice things feel off.  I start feeling physically exhausted.  I feel that tension starting to build.. I ache.  Then I realize that I forgot my meds and immediately take them.   Then I have to wait a bit for them to take effect.  

I was beginning to think this was all in my mind.  I was making this stuff up and really wasn't that 'sick'.

This individual had been on my medication, but got off for the exact reason I just wrote about. They needed something with a little more staying power as they had a family and didn't have the time to be "down" .   

After the meeting it was such a relief to know my experiences and feelings are legitimate.  My symptoms aren't imaginary. My reactions are normal.

Even though my family, friends, and co-workers don't know what I go through. They will not understand and may never--but what I experience is real and not imaginary.

On a final note, my doc--the one who's helped me get through my hardest times. The one who has believed in me and worked with me to get over the bumps.  My cheerleader is moving on.  I'm devastated, but I wish her well.

DOn't know if I'll have the same relationship with my new doc, but only time will tell.

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