Thursday, July 12, 2018

On Vacation......

For the first time in years, I'm on vacation or Staycation as they call it.  Normally when I've taken time off it's to travel to Tenn or take care of some pressing appointments.  Usually my once a year vacation is taken with the hub.   That still will happen, but this is my very own time off.

I've worked my @$$ off the past 5 months at work-earning additional time off outside of my normal leave.  I finally took it.

The great thing is that it coincides with my cast being removed (YAY). 

The really weird thing is I've been busy.  Monday I ran all sorts of errands and even did some landscaping update.  The freaky part of that is I felt wonderful.  I had zero pain. No foot pain, no joint pain, and no Fibro pain. 
I realized it and was shocked.  I cannot for the life of me remember a busy day like that.  

Tuesday was truly a vacation day. Spent the day with my SIL at the pool.  Did NOTHING, but float around in the pool.  Another great day for me.  I was still pain free and clear headed. 
Did get a teeny bit sunburned, but that is the extent of my pain.

Wed hung around the house in the AM while some work was being done.   Had lunch with a bunch of  co-workers then came home to power wash the patio.   Was a bit tired, but still feeling good.

Today-- I'm feeling something. Whether it's the week catching up with me as I'm never this active NOR have I been active in months (RE: Foot).  Is it the sun or heat?   I'm just tired and vaguely achy.   I've been working on chores and vegging out.   I actually am eating relatively well.  I'm actually kind of impressed with myself.

Positive Thoughts....
So at my group the topic was Reducing Stress. Definitely something I should look into. My personality type definitely leads to a lot of stress, so anyway to help reduce any unnecessary stress would be a bonus.

One of my biggest faults is positive thoughts. Particularly any self directed positive thoughts. I fail at this in a HUGE way.   So we're going to start there.  "Daily Affirmations" has been added to my daily routine.   I have a cheat sheet so to speak.  I have Post-Its on my bathroom mirror and every morning I recite my list of positive self thoughts. I've even started doing it at night before I go to bed as well.
It feels weird. I have a tough time believing the thoughts, but I'm trying them regardless of those negative feelings. 

Hubby saw them and knew what they were for--but not for who. "Are these for you or me?" My answer, "Both". Seriously, what harm would both of us having good thoughts about ourselves have?   His other response "You forgot a few" and proceeded to give me more "thoughts".   Later dear..let me get through this first.

Additionally, I'm trying a gratitude journal.   Well, I already have a bullet journal, but added the Gratitude Journal. I'm only starting with 3 a day to get started , but as I get into the habit I'm hoping I can add a few more.

As I prepare to return to work --the actual office--I'm really worried that the "less stressful environment" I became used to will dissolve completely and I'll become stressed out again.   Working on this now, while on vacation will help me get into a rhythm before the work schedule takes over.  

Yeah-- that's what's going on with me.   And wow--look at that 3 posts in past month and a half.....


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