Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Super busy

Hey! I apologize, it's just that I've been super busy the past month and a half.   It's crazy. 
Work was busy.   Life was busy.     I took on a 2nd job as a Norwex Consultant, so that's kept me busy.       I barely have time to myself these days.  Today is a fluke.

Good news: Out of my cast.  Down 15-ish pounds since June when I was in my cast.  Foot is great.  It aches occasionally when the weather changes, but I can walk on it!!   My right knee has paid the price of 7 months of adjusting my gait to walk.   Just had a SynVisc injection.

Bad news: Sleep is horrible.  I'm struggling to stay awake most days.   I will have 2 tests run at CC Main campus at the end of next month.   Checking for narcolepsy and any other sleep disorders before they decide to put me on any more medication.

This heat & humidity are beating me up so I enjoy the few cooler days that we've had. Right now the windows are wide open!!!!!

Hoping to start walking now that the foot and knee are "fixed".

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