Thursday, April 4, 2019

April already...

Crazy!!! It's April already. Time flies.    

Summary for those just joining us:  Most of 2018 I spent in a cast of some sort (air & fiberglass).
A stress fracture that came about in Dec of 2017 caused me to see a Dr Jan 2 of 2018. 
Never healed... May of 2018 I had surgery to have a titanium screw inserted into my foot to assist with the healing. 
Finally in late August I was cast/boot free!!

Spent the rest of the year working to get rid of the 20 #'s gained from lack of activity.

Additionally put on medicine to help lower my BP which had skyrocketed during this time period.
AND put on something for "pre-diabetes" but had a side effect of being an appetite suppressant.

How are we doing? 

Lost all the weight and a few more lbs.  BP has dropped to a better range.
I even lost an inch of height!(WTH????) 

My knees--- this weather has been brutal.   I have had MANY issues with them. The changing weather makes them hurt without my even using them. 

I'm afraid where I was once "too young" for knee replacement, I'm probably "just right".     I've held off going to the Ortho.   Why? 

While I've been doing better otherwise, there have been some issues.  So thanks to a biopsy--I'm having surgery to take care of some "pre-Cancerous" cells.

Funny thing. I haven't shared that with many close to me, but I'm sharing it here for all to see.        

So I'm not looking forward to putting another surgery on the books....

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