Saturday, May 4, 2019

Majorly bummed

Had my surgery on Thursday.  Sitting here "recovering" and being bummed.

Tonight NKOTB is in town.   I have been a fan for over 30 years.  I've not missed a Cleveland show and I have to miss tonight's show.   I was supposed to see them in Nashville next week as well, but have to skip that show as well.

No one seems to care/understand how bummed this has made me.  Some of that is due to the few that know not understanding.  There are only a handful of people I've shared this with --- Explain to me why sharing with a bunch of strangers is easier than sharing with those that "know" me.

Blood pressure was really good --prior to surgery.
Weight, still on the downslide.

Recovery-  with the assistance of the meds prescribed--doing ok.     

They found no cancer-so they got everything and hopefully that'll be the end of that. ..
sigh..... we shall see

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