Friday, February 7, 2014

not good news

Ooops posted this on the wrong blog.

Hi.  To start I want to let those of you who do not know me personally that this was a very bad week.

I'm a very very big dog lover.  Even more so towards my own. I love them as if they are my children.  This week I last my oldest.  Galen was over 14 years old.  We've had him since he was 4 months old.  I am heart broken and devastated.  We knew it was coming, but it does not hurt any less.

Since Tuesday, when it happened, I've not had focus. My diet had been poor.  I've faltered.

I've not abandoned my healthy eating at all.  I'm just allowing myself to participate in tonight's superbowl fiesta as a last hurrah before I regain my focus.

On one good note,  the pair of jeans I bought a few months ago and could not fit into now fit.

In hoping to begin blogging this next week.  I didn't have it in me this week.

Thank you.

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