Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Hello dears. 


I apologize I have not updated in a bit.  

As I mentioned, I recently flew.  I can definitely check off the airport as one of my accomplishments.  Just a year ago I could barely stand or walk for more than five minutes. I needed the arm rest up in between seats in order to fit in the airplane seat.  I hated flying.  Now I fly through the airport on my own two feet and I’m am back into my own seat.  Times have changed.


Today’s topic is about choices.

I’m sad to say when I stepped on the scale this morning; it was NOT a pleasant outcome.  I’m sad to report I have gained more weight.  I figured it was coming because I could see it in the mirror.  


I have no one to blame but myself and the choices I made.   Each and every time I put food in my mouth, I have the choice to do so or not.  I have the choice on WHAT I put in my mouth.   I haven’t made good choices lately, although I am trying really hard to get better.


On my recent trip, it wasn’t a vacation. I spent a lot of time sitting while at the hospital.  I ate at the hospital.  I did walk.   I can’t say I scrapped that, but it was not as much as I have in the past.    So while I walked to try and work out, my food choices were to be desired.   I could have been a good girl and stuck to things that were healthy for me, but I chose not to.


Living a healthier lifestyle is difficult after you have not been doing so.  Each and every day I have the choice on whether or not I’m going to be active and walk or ride my bike. I have the choice on whether or not I’m going to have one more spoonful of peanut butter. I have the choice on what I’m ordering from that menu. It’s all on me.   My knee wasn’t really acting up this time around, so I can’t blame that.   This is all on me. 


I’m trying.  I’m only on day 2 of forcing myself to watch my calories and intake.  I am forcing myself to log ALL my food and close out the day in MyFitnessPal.  I need to get into a habit again of good eating. 


Yesterday my knee acted up when I was walking.  I chose to sit on my bike and take a leisurely “ride”, which was easier on my knees, in order to burn calories. 


I need to reevaluate my schedule to become better organized to allow myself to work out AND do the other things I need to.

The weather is turning SUCKY again, but I will continue to make the choice to try and get in focus.  


My temporary setback is the result of my bad choices.  If you want to lose weight or eat healthier, you need to make the right choices as well.   You have no one to blame but yourself  most of the time.



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