Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Biggest Loser

So, I suck lately with my eating habits. I've established this and spoken about it in a few posts.  I'm really trying to get back on track.
The weather has gotten nicer, so I've taken the dogs on a few walks.   Yes Dogs---we adopted another walking companion for me.

How else do I get back into this and be serious?   Join the Biggest Loser competition at work. 

So as soon as I get back from my 6 days where eating and drinking healthy are not on the agenda, I am buckling down and focusing.

Six days? You ask.   A dear friend of mine is getting married in 2 days time.  A group of friends and myself are heading to the Detroit area to celebrate with her.  

This is a gathering a long time in the making. Although we will be missing half of our group (there will be 9 of us), we're going to celebrate, party, & enjoy each others' company as well as the alcohol that is joining us ....;)

I won't be posting until I get back so, this is a scheduled break.

When I get back, I'm going to be super duper focused!!!

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