Saturday, July 19, 2014

Two Steps Forward, Five Steps Back.....

Well...Hmmm.  I guess it's time to get down and be honest.

First, let me give a follow up on my Vegas injuries.   My bruises on my arm are fading, but my knee is still pretty banged up. I only really feel it if it's touched or knelt on, so walking is getting better.
My back is still achy, but I'm getting better.

Ok, back to the honesty thing.  Since my reefed began, I've have ZERO control.  I don't understand it, while on PSMF I was hard-core. I could refrain from eating all sorts of foods.  I didn't cave once.  Everyone complimented me on my control. I prided myself on my control.  

We change up my eating plan and all of a sudden I can't control it.   From the time of my reefed to the time I left for Vegas, I gained ZERO pounds. I lost ZERO pounds but I maintained.   
While in Vegas, I wasn't the most diligent to sticking to my diet plan.  I didn't go hog wild either and I tried to get out and walk.   Since coming back, whether it be due to the digestional issue, the allergies I was suffering from, or whatever, but I wasn't following my diet plan either. 

Either way, I gained about 11 lbs. from the time I left for Vegas until I returned. On Friday, I met with my BMI doctor.

We discussed my weight gain, my eating, my lack of control over my diet since the reefed began, etc.  I spoke about how I felt I had no control over anything. I discussed how I had zero issues while on PSMF, but just by adding choices and taking me out of my 'element' (Vegas trip, being sick) I spiraled out of control.

Looking at my stats at my last weigh in, I was 1.9 points from being under ## BMI.   He was overall pleased with my overall accomplishment, especially since my first visit with him 11 months ago was for surgery consultation.

After a frank discussion and again the rehash of my goal weight, we both agreed it may be best for me to return to PSMF.   So folks, dear readers, I'm going back on PSMF.   Ironic since I couldn't wait to get off it.  

I think I need more time.   I think when I'm coming off the diet next time, I need more time than to just go from PSMF to refeed. 

Another thing I need to find a better way to log my transitions. On PSMF, all I have to log is my lean protein and 2 veggie servings.  That is it.  All I need to do is weigh my food, log my ounces and I'm good. MyFitnessPal isn't really required during this time, just my notebook.  Because of this, I tend to get laxed with MFP. 

When I transition over, I stopped using my notebook and started using MFP.  Due to my lax use, I forget here and there and soon I'm not logging anything. Then I sneak in this and get the picture.

Add in my lack of control over the whole "process" and then throw in any circumstances outside of my normal routine and we have a recipe for disaster.

How can I be so religious on PSMF but lose total control by mixing it up?

So I'm back to my extreme diet until I drop my BMI a few points.

Biggest Loser
I'm doing S10 of the Biggest Loser at work.  Not only that, I'm going to talk at the kickoff.  I'm going to give my perspective on participating in the program with physical limitations. In my case that is my carpal tunnel release surgeries and my knee problems (bone on bone etc.).

Hoping that will also help get me focused and hopefully I can help someone else.

What You Eat
I've also noticed now that I'm back to, well let's face it, eating crap that I am aching again.  So something I eat is not good for me. A flare up of my fibromyalgia. 

Another reason I'm looking forward to returning to the diet. I want to get back to feeling better and having more energy.  

Between the fall, the 'food poisoning', and the allergies--I'm so ready to feel better.

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