Sunday, July 6, 2014

Good news? Bad new? Just news?

Failure. That is what the first week of the refeed has been.  I start the day off right and then it just disintegrates from there.   I have yet to find the "control" needed to get focused again.   I'm ...trying.

The good news or bad news if you will.  The scale has moved----ZERO. I have not gained any weight nor have I lost any weight.   See that as you will.

Good news?  I've been pretty active this past week.  I've taken to trying to walk the dogs over a mile each day.  We're averaging about 2 or close to it. I'm also jumping on the recumbent bike almost daily.   I've also taken up tae bo again.   When I was in Yokosuka, I did it with a bit of success. I'm trying to get into that to work on my weight loss.

Yesterday we headed out to the Metroparks and did a 4 mile walk with the dogs.  I took some pictures again, so I will share those with you.   Last year shortly after I began all this, I did a 3 mile hike. Back then it was such a huge deal considering just a month or so before, I could barely do 5 minutes on my feet.   Now, 3 miles is so  "bleh" . Funny how that works. 

There's a waterfall through the trees.

Still trying to capture a pic of the waterfall

Can you see it?

Still trying to capture it.

More pictures from the walk:

The Black River

More views of the Black River


Even More

more river pics

Guess Who?

Traveling Compnaions

They wouldn't behave

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