Sunday, December 7, 2014


I know it's been awhile. 
I've been sick.  I tend to be hit with chronic bronchitis. I don't know if I mentioned that in any of my earlier posts, but this is my second bought since April.    I just finished my antibiotics and this time I'm not sure if they worked.   I feel like crap and I sound worse.   I'm giving it a few days and then I'll head back.

On top of that I've been crazy busy.  I've had a few appointments after work and have come home late and all that.   Thanksgiving was in there some where. 

I'm just overwhelmed and exhausted all the time. 
Athena's been to the vet twice the past few weeks....When will it end?

I did see Gretchen in there.   We're not terribly worried about my setback right now.  A big portion of the issue is my exercising & movement.

It's gotten worse, the pain. My knee hurts.   My body aches. I'm exhausted a lot of the time.  It's almost like when I first got sick 5 years ago.

With the weather. My aches....I've not met any of my physical goals.   
I decided, after doing it with my neighbor, I wanted to get Just Dance for the Wii.  

OF COURSE, when I went to start up my Wii yesterday (first time since the flood), it's DEAD. DEAD as a doornail.   UGH. We think (I think at least) it got fried when the basement flooded.   The transformer box sits on the floor and that's probably when it happened.   I'm soooooo pissed. I'm finally trying to move forward and this happens.

Anyone know of any dance games for the PS3?

Next week --not tomorrow--Monday we're going to Ruby Falls and I'll get some good activity in then.  Caves and all that.

So to summarize, I feel like SHIT. 

I'm still trying though.....=

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