Thursday, December 18, 2014

SO mad at myself

I started writing this out in a text document. It's easier for me to type it up and transfer here.
What do I do with all that I wrote?  Left it at work.


So, in order to have something to post, we're doing this all again.

Sorry it's been crazy.  December is a hectic month that is for sure. My dogs aren't helping. Athena's had some issues so we've had to take her in 3 times (well twice, the 3rd she was being boarded but still needed to be looked at).  This final time was due to her eating some tinsel garland.  Sweetest freaking dog in the world, most sensitive and dumbest.  Love her though.

We go to Tenn in December.  I've done it for 7 years now and Rich has done it 3 now. This year we went a year later than we have in the past. We really have had a lot going on.

When I went down in October, we went to Chattanooga.  While there I just knew Rich would want to go there. Add in my friend living in the area, we just had to go.  So after some finagling we worked in an additional day to stay and made a trip over to Chattanooga.

It was fantastic. We went to Ruby Falls and Rock City Gardens.  Rich loves his caves and caverns and all things underground. This was heaven to him.  I enjoyed it very much.  We had a blast and I easily hit my 10K steps by 1PM.

Afterwards, we spent time in the downtown area with Cheri & her son.   We walked around until it was time to meet up with the Man.   Then we went to GA (same area) and went to a local southern BBQ joint. 

FANTASTIC time. The whole weekend was great. It's always wonderful seeing the Fam.   Throw in fun and my friend, just wonderful.

Now, instead of posting the pictures here, they're up somewhere else for you to peruse. Link will be posted at the bottom.

Now aside from our Touristy day, I did walk the dog both days. I didn't do my normal walk, but I did get out.  The ride sucked.  I hate being cramped. My body hurts enough as it is (yes I still hurt). Sitting in the car 10 hrs during the drive, just blows.

We're looking into more activities next summer. We like to stay active while having fun.  

So this marked the 3rd cave exploration.   Much different than the ones up here but still exciting.   We were more physically active at Rock City.  

So if you're ever in the Chattanooga area and want to explore AND get your exercise in, ROCK CITY!!!!

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