Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year

Hey! Happy 2015.

Ok. So many things to broach...
I've had some major setbacks the past few months. I've made bad choices and let some "pains" take me down mentally.   I worked hard and because of these bad decisions, I lost some ground. Yes I've gained weight. I'm not proud of it and I'm not happy about it.    I am TRYING to do something about it.     Stick with me as I soldier on.

I mentioned one time before Fit Bit Challenges.  I am telling you, these things can get you motivated.
For example, this past weekend I was involved with 2 different ones.   I'm fitbit 'friends' with my good friends who are also my neighbors. These gals are also my biggest cheerleaders and rivals.

Went over Sarah's to play some Cards Against Humanity and while we were waiting for the game to begin, we were jogging in place. We were competing against each other in a challenge. 
I spent several nights the past week, running and dancing in place to try and take the lead.  Lissette is a big motivator to get me moving.    

So while I may not have done traditional exercises, I have been working my butt off dancing and running in place to try and win these Challenges.  

Today, Sarah brought over one of her DVDs that we worked out  with, while getting in our steps.   Tomorrow I may not be able to move, but today I did do something.

Third, I'm trying to do :

  I say trying because I keep having to start over due to left over birthday cake, a coke, a Hershey each day I start over.   Do you want to try it?

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