Saturday, January 24, 2015

Whhhhaaaaa?? A Post, on time?

Hey all. 

Where to begin? No more hiding? Thanks to a very good friend? New purpose?

So, we all know I've been ...less than honest about my weight loss as of late. 
Let's be real, there wasn't any. Weight gain, sure --plenty of that.  I can't say I've been totally blowing it off lately. I have "tried" but was easily derailed.

I hadn't logged in MyFitnessPal in a long time. I wasn't doing much working out or walking. I wasn't making smart choices.

Two things happened within a day of each other that have made me buckle down.   First was a text from my dear friend Lissette. It was just a little reminder that she missed seeing my logging in MFP.  Her gentle nudge reminded me that someone is watching out for me.

The second thing was NKOTB announced their next tour. OK, so how does that have anything to do with my weight loss?

My last pictures taken with the guys were not flattering at all.
June 2013
Aug 2013
July 2009
SO as you can see, not pretty at all.  

I am doing another M&G this tour. Three days after my birthday.  I now have a date.  I need to make sure I look BETTER than I did in any of these photos. I now have a goal in site.  My reason to focus.

So I did two things. First I was honest with the weight loss on the MFP tracker.  You will now see how far I've fallen and how far I need to go.   It's going to be tough.  The exercise is going to be my downfall, but I will do what I can.

Secondly, I'm making sure I log into MFP.  Two days in.   Yesterday I logged everything I ate and was UNDER my 1700 calorie goal. Can we say "YAY?"

Today I've been busy this morning. I did my 10 min tae bo video.  It has 8 ten minute work outs. I figured it would get me going and those days where I don't have a lot of time, it would be better than nothing.

While two days doesn't sound that fabulous, considering I couldn't make it past 1 day in recent months, this is a huge thing.  

I hope to be able to continue reporting progress.   Fingers crossed.

SO....let's get this party started...again.

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