Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happy February

Hey.  I am posting. I'm just feeling very tired and lazy right now.

I took an unplanned trip to Michigan to visit my friend yesterday. I didn't arrive back in the area until 11 and with the snow and super bowl happening today, I decided to run to the store last night.

ARGH.  I didn't make it home until 1AM.  It was crazy!   I still got up at my regular time, so I'm a bit tired.   Add to that lazy, I just didn't have the energy to turn on the computer. much to talk about. So little organized thoughts.

Item one. For the most part, I stuck to the diet hard. I worked my butt off with walking and working out.  Most part as in, I did have a bit of an off day, but I'm still doing well.

I met with Gretchen on Friday.  We talked about my 'lapse' and if I still wanted to do this surgery free.   Yes I do in case you wondered.   We agree I have the knowledge and the tools.  I just need to use them.

She said Yes this is a hard thing to do (lose weight), but I'm very conscientious of what I need to do and how to do it. I just need to do it.

The two "changes" or "homework" that I was given are new-ish.   I am to make sure I continue blogging at least once a week.  For me, everything ties together.  If I'm not dieting or trying, I'm not blogging.  SO I need to continue this along with my food logging and exercise.

Exercise: I need to introduce strength training into my routine.  The more muscle I build, my metabolism will increase.   Just need to find the right workouts and start them.

Another idea I'm toying with is starting a support group.  I belong to one online, but I'm thinking of one with meetings.  I'm trying to work out a bunch of things right now (logistics and such). I already do a lot of talking about this online and in person. I think it might help those who struggle to talk with others and have each other cheer and support.  - Just some thoughts.

I really got a work out this week through FitBits challenges. I was leading on two workweek challenges until 1-I worked from home and 2- a certain Neighbor/Friend snuck up and stole it from me Friday night. So I only won one.

Oh....I had it as one of my goals, but I actually followed through. I changed my daily goal from 10-12K steps. I met it most of the week too.   It is a lot harder, but 10 was becoming to easy. 

I also want to say another THANK YOU to Lissette (person mentioned above) for her continued pushes she gives.  I won't have the luxury of stopping with her around :) XO

Have fun at your super bowl parties tonight. Stay warm and safe if you're in the Midwest....  until next time.

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