Sunday, July 26, 2015


Hey there. I'm back.   No weigh in today.  I'm going to wait until next week.

This week has been interesting.  I've been on my new dosage for 6 days now.  I think they fully went to work yesterday. I've felt "normal".  The pain and exhaustion are extremely diminished.  I'm still sensitive to touch, but that never really has ever gone away.  The stiffness/tightness in my limbs is gone as well.
We've taken the dogs on a walk two days in a row and I was able to do the complete walk without feeling like I over did it. Additionally there was little pain.  I am hoping to begin walking the dogs regularly to rebuild my stamina.

So, I'm cautiously optimistic that the increase in the meds will help me with my goal to get back on track.    

This week I was also very good about logging all my foods as well as watching my calories.  Except one day, I was below my calorie limit each day.     Little steps.

I am really hoping to get into a walking routine at work again and finding time to hit the bike.  I'd like to get back up to visiting the gym.

My body has been responding positively to the changes.  Little things that I couldn't do or had problems with are not such a problem right now.

I don't know if it's related or not, but my wrists have been bothering me a lot. I had carpal tunnel release surgery in both wrists back in 2012.   I sleep with a wrist brace on both because if I do not, they are sore. Sore at the surgical site, not CT related.  

Well, lately I have had constant issues during the day. One day it was so painful to type, I just gave up.  I had to buy some braces to keep at work and have had to wear them daily.   Again, I don't know if this is related to the Fibro or another issue, but I'm hoping it'll go away quickly.  

I'm interested to see how tomorrow goes. Normally Mondays are very harsh on me.  I usually hit the bed by 6;30-7PM on Mondays.   I wonder if it will be like that tomorrow.  

Well, thanks for sticking with me.      Until next time......

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