Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Monday

The Fam
Hey!  Happy Halloween.    

Hope it's been a good week for you.

First news: 

I got on the scale Saturday and lost a few ounces. Nothing worth logging, but still a step in the right direction.

My weight loss has been at a slow crawl because I haven't been eating the best.  Well I should say, I'm eating mostly right.   My exercises haven't been .....I haven't done an everyday workout in awhile. I do work out though, don't get me wrong.   I just haven't done the daily thing due to my messed up schedule.

Speaking of working out, I am still having issue with my left arm. Right where I received my flu shot. Rich thinks they gave it to me in my muscle instead of another part of my arm.  I still have pain with it. Like yesterday when I was doing my arm exercises, when I lifted weights with the left it was painful. I pushed on through, but it hurt.

I have blood work in a few days to determine how well I'm doing with my new eating habits and exercise.  Should be interesting.

I'm working on some new things that should help open my schedule up a bit to be able to concentrate on working out full time again.

I have been playing around with a few new programs during this time too.   Not sure I'm ready to switch to something else yet, but it is interesting trying the other programs out.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Quick update here

This week was horrible as I had some awful gastrointestinal issues.

Two things came to mind though.

First, did I mention I have reduced dosage on two of the meds I was on? Well I did, so yay me.

I got a flu shot almost 2 weeks ago. The arm I got the shot in has hurt every day. The muscle near the shot area has been hurting when I move my arm. Either she goofed up and hit the muscle or its always been like this, but I was never as active.

The weather changes here have messed with my knees. Oh lordy. 

No weight update due to the earlier mentioned issues. Check back next Sunday..

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Quick check in as I'm about to head out.

Stepped on the scale this morning--nothing to report from my last post (yay?).

I worked my butt off this morning, so another Yay.

I'm trying....

Nothing else to really report...... check back later.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Quick post

I meant to do this from home this morning, but ran out of time.

The past few weeks have been hectic and unpredictable.  I have not been able to maintain a daily workout or good eating habits.

The past 2 weeks I've been trying.  I haven't really been stepped up on a scale for a very long time.  I had gained 2-3 lbs at last check before all the craziness.

If I've eaten poorly,  I still try to watch my caloric intake.

This morning I forced myself on the scale. If I'm gaining weight,  embarrassed or not,  I need to know WA and stop it.

Low and behold I lost.  I lost the weight I gained and was finally down from the #i was stuck on.  So being conscious of your choices of food and what type of activity you should do still makes a difference

Friday, October 7, 2016

Checking In

Thanks for checking back.

I'm going to be honest, since returning from vacation it's been hit or miss with me.

It took me about 3 days, after we returned, to be able to work out. My calves were in such pain.
I then worked out on and off since.  My schedule has been a little FUBARd.   I ended up having a few days of the most horrid headache in the world.

Come to realize that since my headaches have been reduced since being on this program, I only get them now when it's related to PMS.    I'm still getting used to have PMS and such.

So last night we went to Detroit to see one of my top 4 FAVORITE artists perform, Assemblage 23.
I DANCED and DANCED.  SO right now. I am sore.   My calves are killing me. My arms. My yay.  UNFORTUNATELY, we didn't stay the night in Detroit, so we drove home. In order to stay awake I had some pop.  Ugh.   I can't do coffee.. just can't.

SO right now after only 4 hours of sleep, I feel like I was up partying all night.  Seriously, I feel like I was drinking ....

I'm back on track today. I don't foresee anything messing up my schedule so I'm back to it today.

Southwest had an airfare sale and was able to score $99 round trip to visit my parents in Dec.   I need to get the booty down to fit in those seats.  

So while I had a very off month, I'm focused and ready to get going.
Hopefully will have movement on the scale soon to report.