Thursday, October 13, 2016

Quick post

I meant to do this from home this morning, but ran out of time.

The past few weeks have been hectic and unpredictable.  I have not been able to maintain a daily workout or good eating habits.

The past 2 weeks I've been trying.  I haven't really been stepped up on a scale for a very long time.  I had gained 2-3 lbs at last check before all the craziness.

If I've eaten poorly,  I still try to watch my caloric intake.

This morning I forced myself on the scale. If I'm gaining weight,  embarrassed or not,  I need to know WA and stop it.

Low and behold I lost.  I lost the weight I gained and was finally down from the #i was stuck on.  So being conscious of your choices of food and what type of activity you should do still makes a difference

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