Sunday, June 2, 2019

Doing we

Recovery has gone quite well. Still am unable to lift more than 10 pounds for the next 2 weeks.

Continue to lose the weight slowly, in spite of all the swelling.   Blood work recently, doing better.

Went for my post op.  Pathology confirmed Stage 1A cancer.  Surgery got it all, so no radiation needed.    Continued monitoring for the time being.

Feeling well for the most part. 

Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Big surgery last Thursday....

So had my surgery last Thursday and I'm doing pretty good.   There is the occasional swelling in the mid section, but otherwise all good.

I'm off the pain meds. I've rested plenty this week.   I was actually bored not being able to do anything.  

I start back to work on Monday--working from home the rest of the month.    I've not gotten on the scale.   Afraid to. 
What is due to swelling and water retention? What is do to my sitting on my butt all week?   What is due to my enjoying being pampered by my neighbor?

I know I shouldn't put too much stock into it, but  I can't help it. 

I am pretty excited to move to my new home.  Because of the location AND what comes along the back, there are ZERO ....NONE ...NO EXCUSES not to start walking again!

i had to miss my 2 concerts AND a visit to my folks because of the surgery.....   Hoping all is well.

EDIT: 5/21   been sitting in my drafts.  From 5/10

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Majorly bummed

Had my surgery on Thursday.  Sitting here "recovering" and being bummed.

Tonight NKOTB is in town.   I have been a fan for over 30 years.  I've not missed a Cleveland show and I have to miss tonight's show.   I was supposed to see them in Nashville next week as well, but have to skip that show as well.

No one seems to care/understand how bummed this has made me.  Some of that is due to the few that know not understanding.  There are only a handful of people I've shared this with --- Explain to me why sharing with a bunch of strangers is easier than sharing with those that "know" me.

Blood pressure was really good --prior to surgery.
Weight, still on the downslide.

Recovery-  with the assistance of the meds prescribed--doing ok.     

They found no cancer-so they got everything and hopefully that'll be the end of that. ..
sigh..... we shall see

Thursday, April 4, 2019

April already...

Crazy!!! It's April already. Time flies.    

Summary for those just joining us:  Most of 2018 I spent in a cast of some sort (air & fiberglass).
A stress fracture that came about in Dec of 2017 caused me to see a Dr Jan 2 of 2018. 
Never healed... May of 2018 I had surgery to have a titanium screw inserted into my foot to assist with the healing. 
Finally in late August I was cast/boot free!!

Spent the rest of the year working to get rid of the 20 #'s gained from lack of activity.

Additionally put on medicine to help lower my BP which had skyrocketed during this time period.
AND put on something for "pre-diabetes" but had a side effect of being an appetite suppressant.

How are we doing? 

Lost all the weight and a few more lbs.  BP has dropped to a better range.
I even lost an inch of height!(WTH????) 

My knees--- this weather has been brutal.   I have had MANY issues with them. The changing weather makes them hurt without my even using them. 

I'm afraid where I was once "too young" for knee replacement, I'm probably "just right".     I've held off going to the Ortho.   Why? 

While I've been doing better otherwise, there have been some issues.  So thanks to a biopsy--I'm having surgery to take care of some "pre-Cancerous" cells.

Funny thing. I haven't shared that with many close to me, but I'm sharing it here for all to see.        

So I'm not looking forward to putting another surgery on the books....

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Happy New Year

Is anyone still reading or checking up on this?

Happy 2019.    

I have no clue if this will be a happy year or not, but we'll try.    

2018 was a semi-cruddy year with my foot and all.   I closed it out with a cold that turned to bronchitis and the cough that would not go away.   I think it's safe to say that I finally got over the cough last week.     Caught the cold from Hubby right after Thanksgiving.   I hadn't been sick with a cold in almost 2 years when I got it--so it SUCKED.

On a positive note.....I've S L O W L Y been losing the weight that I had gained while being incapacitated last year.   So far that's 15ish lbs.  How am I doing it?  No clue.  Well, I'm not consciously doing so.   I've noticed my appetite has changed.  I am eating a lot less than I used to. 
Additionally, we started doing Hello Fresh.   So our dinners are home cooked and healthy.

On a different note, this bitter cold is awful.  I cannot begin to tell you how miserable I've been since it started.   My fibro-- it's horrible. I'm horribly achy all over.  It hurts just sitting in place.  ON top of that, my arthritis in my knees is off the charts.     The past 5 days have been miserable.   Standing up, walking steps, and plain just existing is PAINFUL.

Those with Fibro /arthritis, how are you feeling?

Emotionally , just not in a social mood.  Was not in the mood for the holidays...and then dealing with the reality of aging parents /parents in hospice ....  Not the best companion.

SO there you have it. Positive-weight loss. Better eating.   Negative---I'm falling apart