Sunday, August 25, 2013

One week down

Wholly crap. This hard core dieting stuff is really hard!  I think, if I hadn't had a set 'goal' (surgery) in mind, I may have caved and had a pop or second portion or something.  BUT, I was a good girl.

I've religiously been using my Fitbit & MyFitnessPal to log my meals and exercise.  
I was even very good this past Thurs & Friday. I went to MI for a concert.  In the past I would have "paused" the diet and eaten fast food or other crap-with the excuse I couldn't stay on it because of the circumstances.  

Luckily, I have great support from Rich & friends (Sarah & Jennifer) who helped me stay on track. That and I am in the mindset that I really need to do this.  

According to my fitness pal, I've been under my calorie goal every day. I average 300-500 calories under.  Yay me. This means I'm eating averaging 1700 to 1900 calories a day.

I also bought the dreaded contraption that I've not had or used in a long time (which also explains a lot). I purchased a scale.  What is the point of struggling through this if I don't know if it is making a difference?  How will I know I need to adjust my eating habits or food items if I do not see progress?

One of the goals the dietitian set for me is to do 10, 000 steps a day.  This is where I struggle.  I am slowly upping the count each day but aside from Thursday, the day of the concert, I am not close yet.   I do try to make up for it.  I have gotten on my bike. I have tried doing a bit extra to make up for the lost steps.     Yesterday, I worked hard core at cleaning this house. I sweated and for hours, I scrubbed, vacuumed, dusted, picked up and wiped.   According to MyFitnessPal, that was about 900 calories burned.  

At the beginning of the week, I did find it excruciating between meals. I was hungry and I was trying to space out my eating.   It was killing me.

I also noticed yesterday, if I keep very busy, my mind isn't on my stomach so much.   Or maybe I'm getting to the point that I'm getting use to the new habits and my body is adjusting?   I don't know which it is, but I hope it continues.   Yesterday I did three meals and one snack of celery to hold me over till dinner.

What do I eat?  
During the work week, usually for breakfast  I have a Greek yogurt and protein shake.  
My snacks include Special K or Atkins protein bars.   

Lunch is a peanut butter and low sugar jelly sandwich on sandwich thins.  A vegetable of some sort (celery or broccoli) and a sugar free chocolate and vanilla swirl pudding.   Sometimes a sting cheese item is in there as well.

Dinner is where things differ.  One day I had a salad.  The next I ate a whole bag of edamame (only 210 calories!). We also did Brinner and I had a scrambled egg & cheese sandwich (on the thins).   Yesterday we splurged.  We ordered out from Jin House and I had a salad, miso soup, and edamame.  I'm finding I'm obsessed with edamame. I love love love it.   

For those who do not know what edamame is: It's steamed soy beans in their pods. You eat the beans after removing them from their pods.

Today is Sunday, so that means big dinner!   I'm making steak and mashed potatoes with a pepper medley for dinner.   I only purchased one steak and will take a small portion but I am so excited to have the mashed potatoes.  Sooooooo happy that I will be able to eat them after surgery.  OR I should say I'll be allowed to eat them, whether or not my body will allow them is another story.

Now, for the news that will make reading through all this drivel worth while: 
    I am down 3 lbs. 


Goals I'm setting myself this week:
1-Getting more steps in.  Trying to average at least 7-8K 
2-Working at least 15-20 mins on my exercise bike for at least 3 days.
3-Another 3 lbs.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for your support.


  1. Great job Elbee... keep up the great work...

    The grumbellies should get easier after two weeks. by the way... keeping busy SOOOOOO helps you to not think about eating. When I was working on school work and had dead lines I knew I had to keep I would work right through meals and snacks. It helped with the grazing I have been so bad at. My worst time it before bed. I always eat and graze at the end of the day and that has kept me from my goals.

    New habits and setting goals is going to be the key to your success! Glad to see you setting those goals and congrats on the 3 lbs!!! YAY!
