Monday, August 12, 2013

the possibility: Bariatric Surgery

So, as I mentioned last, my doctor suggested the possibility of Bariatric Surgery.   Not something I've really thought about.   

Thinking about the pros and cons-  It would really help me lose this weight to the point where I could possibly start walking again without the severe back pain. I could walk the dogs again. I could walk period!  It would possibly get rid of the sleep apnea. Reduce the stress on my knee.   Lower my BP.  Give me a more positive outlook on my life.

The cons-it's major surgery. Major life style, food choice changes.   Serious stuff.

I called to get the ball rolling.  Did the required seminar on the surgeries. Did the test. Did the health questionnaire. Then the wait began. First it was a letter with my assigned group (they do it by colors) and then a few weeks later, the slip with the appointments arrive.  Almost three months away.  

I began using this time to research. Research research research.   I found individuals who've had the surgery and asked them questions. I've joined an online group for the surgeries and have read their experiences and advice.   

It is a big shock to my system reading just exactly how much my life will change.   I now understand the need for a therapist as part of the process.    It has all been depressing.   How much will have to change. How much I will give up.   I have to keep reminding myself the positive...the big positive.  I may be able to move around again.   I may be able to feel better again.   I may actually like the person I see staring back at me.

Some other factors that have convinced me that I'll go through with the surgery if approved-
I went to some concerts recently. I was unable to enjoy them because of the pain and suffering from standing and walking up and down the stairs.    A once favorite activity was just ruined.  

My neighbors have been doing 5Ks as of recently. While I don't think I'll ever run  them, just to be able to join them in some way on their workouts, would be fantastic. i went to a party this weekend and saw a friend who's recently lost 45lbs.  She looks FANTASTIC.   in fact they all were these skinny minnies.   Now, I don't expect to be stick thin, I would be happy to be 50lbs over weight.  As I mentioned, I carry it differently so I wouldn't look bad.....I would be skinnier and healthier.  

I am not ready to put my stats here yet.   I have my appointments with the clinic on Friday.   I'll get back to you then....


  1. Laurie,

    I'm glad that your a taking this seriously and doing all the research. When we talked about what I know... it was through friends' experiences... I know the toughest part is the permanent LIFE change. I'm behind you with a pep talk anytime you need one to help you get through those tough moments! I believe in you! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
