Monday, August 26, 2013

Today was a little harder ...

I don't know why, but today was hard.   In spite of it, I still stayed on course.   
I just had cravings out of the blue and then, I was right outside Little Ceasers and all I could smell was the dough & cheese.  UGH!   I so wanted to give in. I really did.

I didn't. Instead I came home and made marinated seasoned baked Tilapia, multi grain pasta with shrimp and light Parmesan Alfredo. Truthfully, it was quite delicious. Rich actually requested that I make it more. That meal was only 556 calories!

Today's calorie total was 1828.  I also remembered to walk a bit at lunch as well as doing 15 mins on the bike.   I'm still taking it easy with that as my knee still hurts something fierce if I do more.

One thing I did realize today: I'm been feeling better.  My aches and pains hurt a bit less.  So, definitely something I've cut out/reduced intake on may have been the thing making me feel worse.

However, it is Monday and like most Mondays (or first days back to work), I'm worn out.   I'm trying to keep myself up and moving.  Like right now, as I type, I'm bouncing.   I figure if I'm not walking, at least I'm moving.     

But back to my original thought, today was hard.  I really really want pizza. I'm not going to do anything about it but I do want it.
I wonder if I'll ever have pizza again?   

Today I tried the Atkins French Vanilla protein shake. Ehhhh.  Don't think I'll get it again. Time to try something else.


  1. Hey Elbee, sorry today was tough for you...

    I hate those days. You have to stick to your "Laurels" (Ha ha - pun game) and chose the thin you over the temporary satiation. As soon as you swallow that pizza the taste is gone, the bloat is on and it is down the hatch... nothing else to enjoy.

    I like the Atkins diet because on this there are a few guilty pleasures but more importantly once you cut out carbs, you DON'T CRAVE THEM ANYMORE... I haven't had a plate of pasta, a piece of pizza or a bowl of mac & cheese in months and I don't miss it! I really don't! I was addicted to it!!! Maybe, just maybe, you too will get to a place of happiness where you see food for what it is, sustenance and just take it in when you need it, more than when you want it.

    I have tried to truly listen to my tummy. I try to listen for when it is telling me it is hungry. Not just what it smells, it must have or what time the clock says means it is time to stuff my face.

    Just some thoughts....

    I'm proud of you!!!

    1. Thank you . You always have kind & encouraging words.

  2. I'm so glad You are feeling better! (I am reading all your posts in one day, back to school stuff has been kicking my butt)

    I am such a food addict, I can't stop eating at night/evening.

    Your post are encouraging me to try to stop. =) Thank you!

    1. Katey how are you doing? Have you been able to pull back on eating at night?
