Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tomorrow I truly enter the Bariatric Surgery world

Tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for for months.  Tomorrow I have my all day appointments starting at 8:15 all the way to 3:15--including the surgical consult.

I don't know how I feel about it all yet. I'm not nervous. I'm not anxious.  I'm not excited.  I just want this over and done with.  I want to know what I need to prepare for. I want this all to begin. I don't want this to begin.    

I've talked about what I was considering with some people but I haven't really made it a big to do with everyone....I think I am only really going to share with some.

I've already gotten some of the people who have to give their negative thoughts.. I appreciate those who only are trying to get me to think about it.   Truth is, I've thought about nothing else for the past three months

I guess we'll find out tomorrow......


  1. Keep trudging through... weigh your options and till the last moment you still have choices. Your body is yours and your decisions are yours! You have the freedom to choose what you want your future to be. I know what I want for you... you have to be ready and willing to submit to all that goes along with it. Surgery is no joke. It is serious, painful and can have serious complications. Slow and steady wins the race! YOU GO GIRL!!! You rock! I am here all the way!!!

  2. I appreciate having you as a cheerleader. You've done so well so you can push me if I start to fail.
