Sunday, June 29, 2014

uhm. yeah. A little too much of a yummy thing...or two...or three

Insert a picture of a blushing and highly embarrassed Laurie here.

Guess what? I'm only human.

First, we'll start with the ZERO weight loss total. That is correct, I did not lose a lb between weigh ins and have not lost a pound.  Great news is I didn't gain anything either.

Second and most importantly......lack of self control.

I can make up all the excuses I want: It was super hot. I was super hungry. Blah blah blah. In the end the devil on my shoulder was doing a complex jig.

Day 1 of my reefed was a huge failure in terms of healthy eating.   It started off so well too.  Woke up and walked the dogs nearly 2 miles in the sun and heat.  Came home and did a short work out on the bike.

Breakfast was absolutely wonderful.  I had pineapple, a yogurt, & lean ham.  Filling and delicious.
Lunch was great, a lean burger w/a side of mustard.    Things were looking good.

We left for a wedding at 2PM.  It ended up being an outdoor wedding on one of the hottest sunny & slightly humid days this year.

Add in, the reception was held in an outdoor tent which initially was not "open" to allow a breeze or air to flow. 

Add in, we had to wait for the bridal party to finish taking photos.  They had fruit and cookies for our consumption.   I INITIALLY tried to resist. I really did. I had met my fruit requirement for the day.
However as I mentioned it was hot, I was hungry, and I was weak. 

I went up and filled up on fruit and one cookie.  I figured, if I was going to be weak I'd do it on fruit. 
However that 1 cookie. That one delicious and amazing cookie ruined it all.  This cookie ...ungh! Delicious.

So it led the way to 4 more.   After awhile, it came time for dinner.   Then came the rolls.  Yay! I can have 1 (I'm sure it was only suppose to be half of one, but .....forget excuses.. I wanted it dammit!!).  I had a roll with butter.  O.M.G. It was sooooooooo amazingly wonderful.  So ...wonderful.

We finally head to the buffet and I get a Caesar salad, roast beef, chicken and.....pasta.  I should not have had the pasta as I had my starch/grain with the roll.  I should not have, but I did.   Probably 2 servings worth.  (2 servings as in my servings, not regular servings).  It was very good. 

Then this is where it really goes wrong....I went for a few more cookies.  Sigh.  I hang my head in shame.  I had more than the 4 cookies I mentioned earlier. I had this before they brought around the cupcakes.  I only had one and it was way too sweet for me.   It was good, but too sweet.

All the while that I'm having this, I only had a handful of glasses of water.  Some diet pop.  But not nearly enough liquids.

On the way home, I was desperately thirsty.  The drinks we had in the car were way too warm so on the turnpike home, we stopped at.........(nearly whispers) McDonalds.    I got a diet from there to get caffeine in me to stay awake on the drive home.

mumble mumble mumble......... Ok! I had a cheeseburger, or two....but I did only have a handful of fries. I truly mean handful.  I made sure I didn't take more.      So yeah......I TRULY TOTALLY FAILED on day one.

You'll be happy to know my body was not happy with all that. I paid for it this morning as I spent a lot of time in a particular room of my home first thing this morning.

I'm tired and cranky.   I'm so paying for that.  I'm trying to drink as much water as I can.
I did 65 mins. on my bike this morning.  

I'd love to say I"m going to behave today and that WAS the plan. However I'm having my girlfriend (and big supporter) over with her kids for lunch.  Let's just leave it at that. Thank god she won't read this till later to see how much I misbehaved today in conjunction with yesterday.

SO see. I have no self control.   Well I do, I just let go a little too much yesterday.  I'll do better tomorrow.......I promise......

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