Thursday, February 26, 2015

more whining

Hey.. Staying warm I hope.

This winter is ridiculous and I am so ready for it to be over.

I'm doing a bit better this week eating wise.  Still not how I really should be, but better than I was.   Part of it being I'm sooo busy at work, I forget to be hungry until it's lunchtime.

I really need to kick it up with my exercise. I don't remember if I blogged about it before, but my lower middle back feels like I pulled something. It's very difficult for me to move around and my back feels so tight. 

I'm trying to stretch it as much as I can, but that only works for a little bit.   

I am more than ready for spring or spring like weather. I want the snow and ice gone so I can walk.  I'm going to walk the dogs. i'm going to walk by myself...I'm going to walk walk walk.....

I miss it. I miss the scenery. I miss the exploring.  I miss being out with my girls.   I need to get in gear.   Praying the weather is good next week in Tenn so I can walk. Good for me is no ice.....  Fingers crossed.

No news to report on the weight front. Still not good, but not awful...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Reality Check

Well, nothing slams you in the face -that you've been gaining a lot of weight-like some photos.
I hadn't had many taken in the past few months.   This weekend we attended Cleveland's Comic Con and had photos taken with some celebrities.   YIKES. They were soooooo depressing.

I've gained weight and it's a lot and it shows.  I need to get my ass in gear. No excuses. I have a meet and greet coming in June and I need to look decent.

This weather and my knee are helping sink this ship and it's just got to stop.

Bye bye junk food, pop, and inactivity.  

Who's with me?

Friday, February 20, 2015

Off Topic: Let's take a moment...

In 2008, I met my dear friend Jen from MI.   During our getting to know one another, she told me about one of her besties, Ally, who happened to be from my area.

I was fortunate enough to meet Ally at her 30th birthday party--Such a wonderful person who is so full of life.

Please take a moment to visit the following links.  If you have it in you, please consider contributing to her families health costs and memorial fund.

GoFundME Allyson Zappe Fund

Thank you all.

I'll return later this weekend...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Blogging on the go?

So I found a cheap blue tooth keyboard for mobile devices...
We'll see if it makes a difference in my blogging attempts.

Right now just running a test......

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feb 15

I hope you had a nice weekend.  If you're in the Midwest and Eastern US, I hope you stayed warm.

I don't know about you, but I am sick of this weather. There is no walking outside for me.  It's too dang cold and the street and sidewalks are a walking hazard around here.  Not  about to injure myself in trying to attempt it.

I realized something the other day. Well maybe 2 things. I've discussed it with others and I am glad I'm not the only one.  The winter definitely is bringing out our eating (mostly bad) habits.  The ladies I was talking to all said the same thing, they always feel hungry and find themselves snacking on the wrong things.   So it's not just me. Not that that is an excuse, but I don't feel like a complete failure.

The other thing that I noticed, I've been very stressed at work the past week. After a long day of all this stress I come home and just want to nap.  I don't want to do anything else. This SHOULD be the time I do exercise, but I don't want to. The stress is taking a lot out of me.

This week sucked. Had a few bad days.  

The past 2 days I'm trying to remember if I did something to injure myself or if it's just the extreme cold. Both knees hurt.  I was thinking maybe it's because I've gained some weight, but then that really only affected it when I was on them.  No, my knees are hurting just sitting.

Went to the movies today and could not get comfortable. My knees have to be at a certain's just awful.  I'm dreading tomorrow as I get on a plane and have to sit there and pray my knees don't drive me insane.

The good news is I will be able to walk for exercise for 5 days.  We'll see if I actually can follow through......

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Either I'm going though caffeine withdrawal or I have something else going on.  Two major headaches in two days.  Ugh.

Monday, February 9, 2015

A day late

Sorry I'm a bit late.

Yesterday was my lazy day and boy was I lazy.  Well, that's not ENTIRELY true. The night before I took an Aleve PM for the aches and pains.  After waking around 9:30, I started the day off in the kitchen making my egg muffins for the week and then cooked lunch. After that, I sat on the couch watching TV with Rich.    No phone. No computer.  Just laid there.

By the time I knew I should blog, I just was too tired (I had just soaked in the tub after all).

Last week I had my ups and downs.   I walked when I could.  I am really wanting spring to come along. 

Today I was so busy at work and before I knew it, my calendar reminder for my walk popped up.  I was really busy and tend to just keep hitting remind me in 5 mins until it's too late.  I forced myself to stop what I was doing and walk.

As I said, I had some hits and misses. I hit my 12K a couple of days , but the rest I sadly didn't make it.

I just need to get use to this knew goal and how it works with my fitbit. The blinking lights use to be 2K steps each. Now they're a bit more and it's confusing and ...yadda yadda yadda.

Oh, my whole knee thing from last week. After I typed that out, I took some ibuprofen and went to bed at 7PM.        

It worked because I felt 1000x better the next day. My knee really is wacky.  

So--no "good" updates.  Still struggling. Still trying.   Not giving up.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Not a good day

Today I hurt like hell. Oh dear lord my knees ....I can't even describe it. MY ankles and shins..

 I am not even going to try with my steps today.  I just hurt and I don't know if it's the weather or my slip in the shower the other day that did it.

Getting old sucks.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happy February

Hey.  I am posting. I'm just feeling very tired and lazy right now.

I took an unplanned trip to Michigan to visit my friend yesterday. I didn't arrive back in the area until 11 and with the snow and super bowl happening today, I decided to run to the store last night.

ARGH.  I didn't make it home until 1AM.  It was crazy!   I still got up at my regular time, so I'm a bit tired.   Add to that lazy, I just didn't have the energy to turn on the computer. much to talk about. So little organized thoughts.

Item one. For the most part, I stuck to the diet hard. I worked my butt off with walking and working out.  Most part as in, I did have a bit of an off day, but I'm still doing well.

I met with Gretchen on Friday.  We talked about my 'lapse' and if I still wanted to do this surgery free.   Yes I do in case you wondered.   We agree I have the knowledge and the tools.  I just need to use them.

She said Yes this is a hard thing to do (lose weight), but I'm very conscientious of what I need to do and how to do it. I just need to do it.

The two "changes" or "homework" that I was given are new-ish.   I am to make sure I continue blogging at least once a week.  For me, everything ties together.  If I'm not dieting or trying, I'm not blogging.  SO I need to continue this along with my food logging and exercise.

Exercise: I need to introduce strength training into my routine.  The more muscle I build, my metabolism will increase.   Just need to find the right workouts and start them.

Another idea I'm toying with is starting a support group.  I belong to one online, but I'm thinking of one with meetings.  I'm trying to work out a bunch of things right now (logistics and such). I already do a lot of talking about this online and in person. I think it might help those who struggle to talk with others and have each other cheer and support.  - Just some thoughts.

I really got a work out this week through FitBits challenges. I was leading on two workweek challenges until 1-I worked from home and 2- a certain Neighbor/Friend snuck up and stole it from me Friday night. So I only won one.

Oh....I had it as one of my goals, but I actually followed through. I changed my daily goal from 10-12K steps. I met it most of the week too.   It is a lot harder, but 10 was becoming to easy. 

I also want to say another THANK YOU to Lissette (person mentioned above) for her continued pushes she gives.  I won't have the luxury of stopping with her around :) XO

Have fun at your super bowl parties tonight. Stay warm and safe if you're in the Midwest....  until next time.