Monday, February 9, 2015

A day late

Sorry I'm a bit late.

Yesterday was my lazy day and boy was I lazy.  Well, that's not ENTIRELY true. The night before I took an Aleve PM for the aches and pains.  After waking around 9:30, I started the day off in the kitchen making my egg muffins for the week and then cooked lunch. After that, I sat on the couch watching TV with Rich.    No phone. No computer.  Just laid there.

By the time I knew I should blog, I just was too tired (I had just soaked in the tub after all).

Last week I had my ups and downs.   I walked when I could.  I am really wanting spring to come along. 

Today I was so busy at work and before I knew it, my calendar reminder for my walk popped up.  I was really busy and tend to just keep hitting remind me in 5 mins until it's too late.  I forced myself to stop what I was doing and walk.

As I said, I had some hits and misses. I hit my 12K a couple of days , but the rest I sadly didn't make it.

I just need to get use to this knew goal and how it works with my fitbit. The blinking lights use to be 2K steps each. Now they're a bit more and it's confusing and ...yadda yadda yadda.

Oh, my whole knee thing from last week. After I typed that out, I took some ibuprofen and went to bed at 7PM.        

It worked because I felt 1000x better the next day. My knee really is wacky.  

So--no "good" updates.  Still struggling. Still trying.   Not giving up.


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