Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feb 15

I hope you had a nice weekend.  If you're in the Midwest and Eastern US, I hope you stayed warm.

I don't know about you, but I am sick of this weather. There is no walking outside for me.  It's too dang cold and the street and sidewalks are a walking hazard around here.  Not  about to injure myself in trying to attempt it.

I realized something the other day. Well maybe 2 things. I've discussed it with others and I am glad I'm not the only one.  The winter definitely is bringing out our eating (mostly bad) habits.  The ladies I was talking to all said the same thing, they always feel hungry and find themselves snacking on the wrong things.   So it's not just me. Not that that is an excuse, but I don't feel like a complete failure.

The other thing that I noticed, I've been very stressed at work the past week. After a long day of all this stress I come home and just want to nap.  I don't want to do anything else. This SHOULD be the time I do exercise, but I don't want to. The stress is taking a lot out of me.

This week sucked. Had a few bad days.  

The past 2 days I'm trying to remember if I did something to injure myself or if it's just the extreme cold. Both knees hurt.  I was thinking maybe it's because I've gained some weight, but then that really only affected it when I was on them.  No, my knees are hurting just sitting.

Went to the movies today and could not get comfortable. My knees have to be at a certain's just awful.  I'm dreading tomorrow as I get on a plane and have to sit there and pray my knees don't drive me insane.

The good news is I will be able to walk for exercise for 5 days.  We'll see if I actually can follow through......

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