Thursday, February 26, 2015

more whining

Hey.. Staying warm I hope.

This winter is ridiculous and I am so ready for it to be over.

I'm doing a bit better this week eating wise.  Still not how I really should be, but better than I was.   Part of it being I'm sooo busy at work, I forget to be hungry until it's lunchtime.

I really need to kick it up with my exercise. I don't remember if I blogged about it before, but my lower middle back feels like I pulled something. It's very difficult for me to move around and my back feels so tight. 

I'm trying to stretch it as much as I can, but that only works for a little bit.   

I am more than ready for spring or spring like weather. I want the snow and ice gone so I can walk.  I'm going to walk the dogs. i'm going to walk by myself...I'm going to walk walk walk.....

I miss it. I miss the scenery. I miss the exploring.  I miss being out with my girls.   I need to get in gear.   Praying the weather is good next week in Tenn so I can walk. Good for me is no ice.....  Fingers crossed.

No news to report on the weight front. Still not good, but not awful...

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