Sunday, April 26, 2015

Let's take a moment

I'm going to veer off course for today. 

Last night I attended a fund raiser/benefit for someone I've met once, but know of pretty well.  We share a mutual friend and that is how I first became aware of Ally.

I don't think I'm sharing out of turn being as her fight is not been a secret.

Long story short, Ally was born with Cystic Fibrosis.  She had a double lung transplant approximately 10 years ago.  She was doing well until she wasn't.  Her body is rejecting her lungs and after a long fight, she's decided to just live the rest of her life as comfortably as she can.

I've read some of her posts and it just stuns me how some people can just go on, knowing their dying, but not acting like it. 

This woman has more strength in her pinky than I do.  I don't think I would be so strong if places were reversed.  

She has so much love, family, and friendship around her it's not fair she should be 'suffering' so. 

Ally is only in her 30's and still has so much vim & vigor, I hope she keeps fighting for years to come. 
Her fight makes my fight and complaints about weight loss seem so inconsequential.  I am so grateful that I am healthy enough to have these problems.   

The benefit I attended is to help with her medical bills, memorial fund, and help
Follow Ally during her fight...

The cost of staying healthy has taken a toll on her and her family financially. Your donation will help with the rest of her medical and hospice expenses along with  helping to start a college fund for her daughter, Olivia. "

So I just wanted to take today off and not bitch or complain about weight loss. I wanted to take today to appreciate the fact that I'm healthy and acknowledge there are those who would trade places with me in a heartbeat.
I also wanted to introduce to you someone who has more fight and courage than anyone I know.

I met her when I attended her 30th birthday party. It was a quick introduction, but she had so much life in her--it has always stayed with me.  

So today just take a moment to appreciate what you have, who you have, and be thankful.  
If you have a moment-read up on Ally, donate, or get to know about this incredibly strong lady.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Hey. Still here. I know you don't really want to hear about how busy I've been, but it's true. 

I saw the dietician on Friday. Weight has not moved.   We discussed that.  I wanted to know why I had no problems dropping the pounds the first time around and why I am struggling now.  

She gave me an explanation's too confusing to write up now , but basically it's not all that surprising I'm not dropping it off like before.

She gave me some hints and we'll see where that leads.

I was quite busy the past two days.   I started yesterday with the gym. Worked out for about an hour and 20 mins or so.  Stopped by Lowes, came home to then paint my bathroom.  Later I took the dogs to the dog park, came home and helped my hub get ready for a date with a pretty little lady -our niece. 

I assisted at the dance they went to and didn't get home until 10PM.   I was on my feet all day pretty much. OH & I did some gardening.

Today, I continued the gardening and then we relaxed by going to the movies.   Went grocery shopping after that and now have come home to pick up around the house.  


I'm looking forward to just relaxing the rest of the evening.

So as I was saying, the scale hasn't moved.  The only positive is that I'm NOT gaining.
Not losing either.  VERY FRUSTRATING.

I'm looking forward to more warm weekends and weeknights to begin walking out and about more.  I miss my weekend jaunts with the doggies.

I can tell the difference with them when they've had exercise vs when they haven't. They are in need of it as well.

So here we go, off to start another week.  Hopefully some of the hints will work....We shall see.

BTW, my blog seemed very popular the other day. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head when I saw how many visits were on Thursday.    THANK YOU for reading. 
I don't know if I'm helping anyone these days, but I know I'm trying and haven't given up yet...

Monday, April 6, 2015

A day late


Yes, a day late.  I didn't feel like posting yesterday and I had a Dr appt. today that I wanted to go to before I posted.

Last week sucked because I was in class during the week.  While in class, I drank pop to stay awake (caffeine). I didn't walk much and did not have time to head to the gym.  I did a little at home, but it wasn't enough.

The pop made me bloated and sure enough, I gained like a pound and a half-or so my scale said.

Went to the doctor today and on their scale, clothing and all, it showed 2 lbs less.  So I don't know.

Saturday I went to the gym and got a real good work out.  I got on the bike here at home a little while ago and before I head to bed, I'm going to work on my arms again.

So sadly after 4 weeks, I'm not losing a lot ...but I'm not gaining.   Progress!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sucky week

I had to change up my schedule this week due to a training class I'm attending.
Throw in a visit to the college....
I haven't been to the gym this week and I forgot to bring my lunch today.

Positive notes:
Still doing the 21 day arm challenge and probably next week ready to move up on the weight.
Currently sitting at  my desk, sitting on my exercise ball and dancing (using my hips) instead of a chair. 
Good for the core!

Saturday I hope to be back to my gym schedule. 
I had wanted to go this morning, but my late workout yesterday (bike and arms) caught up with me at 4am.  

I have a feeling no weight loss this week and possibly a gain....grrr.

However as you've been reading, I'm far from giving up.   My hip swiveling as I type says a lot.

Oh, Duchess is hear wanting out for her evening bathroom break....later..