Sunday, April 19, 2015


Hey. Still here. I know you don't really want to hear about how busy I've been, but it's true. 

I saw the dietician on Friday. Weight has not moved.   We discussed that.  I wanted to know why I had no problems dropping the pounds the first time around and why I am struggling now.  

She gave me an explanation's too confusing to write up now , but basically it's not all that surprising I'm not dropping it off like before.

She gave me some hints and we'll see where that leads.

I was quite busy the past two days.   I started yesterday with the gym. Worked out for about an hour and 20 mins or so.  Stopped by Lowes, came home to then paint my bathroom.  Later I took the dogs to the dog park, came home and helped my hub get ready for a date with a pretty little lady -our niece. 

I assisted at the dance they went to and didn't get home until 10PM.   I was on my feet all day pretty much. OH & I did some gardening.

Today, I continued the gardening and then we relaxed by going to the movies.   Went grocery shopping after that and now have come home to pick up around the house.  


I'm looking forward to just relaxing the rest of the evening.

So as I was saying, the scale hasn't moved.  The only positive is that I'm NOT gaining.
Not losing either.  VERY FRUSTRATING.

I'm looking forward to more warm weekends and weeknights to begin walking out and about more.  I miss my weekend jaunts with the doggies.

I can tell the difference with them when they've had exercise vs when they haven't. They are in need of it as well.

So here we go, off to start another week.  Hopefully some of the hints will work....We shall see.

BTW, my blog seemed very popular the other day. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head when I saw how many visits were on Thursday.    THANK YOU for reading. 
I don't know if I'm helping anyone these days, but I know I'm trying and haven't given up yet...

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