Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sucky week

I had to change up my schedule this week due to a training class I'm attending.
Throw in a visit to the college....
I haven't been to the gym this week and I forgot to bring my lunch today.

Positive notes:
Still doing the 21 day arm challenge and probably next week ready to move up on the weight.
Currently sitting at  my desk, sitting on my exercise ball and dancing (using my hips) instead of a chair. 
Good for the core!

Saturday I hope to be back to my gym schedule. 
I had wanted to go this morning, but my late workout yesterday (bike and arms) caught up with me at 4am.  

I have a feeling no weight loss this week and possibly a gain....grrr.

However as you've been reading, I'm far from giving up.   My hip swiveling as I type says a lot.

Oh, Duchess is hear wanting out for her evening bathroom break....later..

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