Monday, April 6, 2015

A day late


Yes, a day late.  I didn't feel like posting yesterday and I had a Dr appt. today that I wanted to go to before I posted.

Last week sucked because I was in class during the week.  While in class, I drank pop to stay awake (caffeine). I didn't walk much and did not have time to head to the gym.  I did a little at home, but it wasn't enough.

The pop made me bloated and sure enough, I gained like a pound and a half-or so my scale said.

Went to the doctor today and on their scale, clothing and all, it showed 2 lbs less.  So I don't know.

Saturday I went to the gym and got a real good work out.  I got on the bike here at home a little while ago and before I head to bed, I'm going to work on my arms again.

So sadly after 4 weeks, I'm not losing a lot ...but I'm not gaining.   Progress!!

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